Get one thing pretty straight, online marketing is the most suitable way of earning money online and it helps you to earn bigger amount than other services like survey offers, paid to click, paid to post etc. But, the path to success is not easy and it may take months to see positive results. Through affiliate marketing you basically promote others’ products and once you make a sell, you earn a commission for that. This commission is generally 30%-40% of the actual price of the product and more sale you make, your pay check increases accordingly.
To start things, you must have a blog or website of your own. Remember, success in affiliate marketing depends on the traffic of your blog in a big way. If you do not have visitors, then who will buy these products? After you manage to get a decent amount of visitors per day (At least 100 unique visitors per day), choose a suitable product to promote. The product should be related to your blog. Now, the next thing is to write an interesting article on the product. If you are not a good writer yourself, you can think of taking help of professional writers out there. The write up should not be like promoting the product but the product should be included in the article carefully. Suppose, you want to tell visitors how to lose weight, then you can include links to products of different weight lose machines through an affiliate page.
Choosing the perfect site to promote products is an important step. When you start things, go for reputed sites like commission junction, Amazon, eBay, ClickBank etc. After getting success with these, you can start promoting individual services as well. Success in affiliate marketing is not that tough, if you are focused and determined.