For those not in the know, affiliate marketing is where, for example, a company signs up lots of partners to its website. Those partners are known as affiliates and they advertise
on their own websites on behalf of the company. This advertising generally takes the form of banners, adverts and links that link back to the original company.
When a web user clicks onto one of those adverts and subsequently makes a purchase on the company’s website, the affiliate receives a commission as a thank you for sending business the company’s way. This means that everyone involved in the affiliate marketing scheme can benefit: the company gets more business as a result of the advertising, and the affiliates receive money in return for simply displaying some ads on their site.
In terms of the company running the affiliate scheme, they also gain as it means their message will be reaching a wider audience. This is especially true if their affiliate marketing scheme is selective, meaning that they only affiliate with sites that are relevant to what they do and thus more likely to be in receipt of web users who might be interested in their adverts. If they are trying to market a new product or service, an affiliate marketing campaign can be a good way to help do this.
The affiliates also benefit from the marketing scheme because it helps to increase their links with other companies: they will be able to say that they are affiliated with the company in question, something that could be useful in future networking. It is also a good way of bringing in a passive income for a minimal amount of initial effort; once the scheme has been set up on the affiliate’s website, they will be able to just let it run and collect the rewards when web users make a purchase as a result.
One thing to bear in mind with affiliate marketing is that, as an affiliate, you might sometimes be asked to pay a fee when you sign up with a scheme. You will therefore need to weigh up the benefits of a paid scheme versus the free schemes on offer; you might decide that the paid scheme will be more lucrative in the long run, or a free option might appeal to you more.
This means that when you are choosing affiliate schemes to get involved with you should look at how much affiliates get paid for sending business to the company in question; you need to make sure it is definitely worth your while before you sign up and commit to displaying another company’s advertising on your site.