All three owners of The Ads Team appear to be based out of the UK.
Prior to launching The Ads Team, Azam, Ul-Hassan and Imran were promoting the OneCoin Ponzi scheme.
Azam appears to have joined OneCoin earlier this year and stopped around August.
On September 29th Najam Ul-Hassan bought a new Mercedes car, crediting “network marketing” as the reason he was able to afford the purchase.
Thanks to All Mighty and Network Marketing that I was able to buy Brand New Mercedes.The Journey from Working for someone to Becoming my own Boss has been extraordinary.It’s going to get better as we are getting ready for the Biggest launch of my whole career. It’s going to be game changer and trend setter.
Prior to signing up as a OneCoin affiliate, Muhammad Imran was an affiliate withACN.
Azam, Ul-Hassan and Imran all appear to have been recruited into the same OneCoin downline earlier this year. Whether they are still affiliates with the company is unclear.
Read on for a full review of The Ads Team MLM opportunity.
The Ads Team Product Line
The Ads Team has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market The Ads Team affiliate membership itself.
Bundled with each Ad Pack investment are a series of ad credits, which can be used to display advertising on The Ads Team website.
The Ads Team Compensation Plan
The Ads Team compensation plan sees affiliates invest $10, $25 or $50 in Ad Packs, on the promise of an advertised 120% ROI.
- invest $10 and receive a 110% ROI (maximum 200 active deposits)
- invest $25 and receive a 115% ROI (maximum 500 active deposits)
- invest $50 and receive a 120% ROI (maximum 2000 active deposits
Daily ROI payments are based on how much a The Ads Team affiliate has invested:
- invest $10 and receive up to 2.5% a day
- invest $25 and receive up to 2.25% a day
- invest $50 and receive up to 2% a day
Note that in order to qualify for the daily ROI, a The Ads Team affiliate must watch ten company-supplied ads each day.
Referral Commissions
Referral commissions in The Ads Team are paid out via a unilevel compensation structure.
A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):
If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.
If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.
The Ads Team cap payable unilevel levels at five, with commissions paid as a percentage of funds invested and reinvested by affiliates in the unilevel team:
- level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) – 8%
- level 2 – 2%
- levels 3 to 5 – 1%
Joining The Ads Team
The Ads Team affiliate membership is free, however an affiliate must invest a minimum $10 to $50 to participate in the attached MLM opportunity.
As per The Ads Team FAQ;
Is TheAdsTeam an investment opportunity?No. We are not an investment or HYIP that tells you how much you will make daily or fixed plan.
OneCoin’s commission withdrawal problems are an open secret.
A visit to the OneCoin Facebook pages is all that’s needed to confirm affiliates are unable and have been unable to withdraw non-recruitment commissions for months.
If I had to guess, I’d say OneCoin recruitment died down for Muhammad Azam, Najam Ul-Hassan and Muhammad Imran around August, prompting them to launch their own Ponzi scheme.
Under the guise of selling advertising, The Ads Team uses newly invested funds to pay existing affiliates an up to 120% ROI.
In an effort to justify Ponzi fraud, The Ads Team claims
any program that claims a ROI (Return on investment) but has NO PRODUCT IS A SCAM! But TheAdsTeam Advertising Platforms sell ADVERTISING SPACE!
The reality is that it is the use of newly invested funds to pay off existing investors the defines The Ads Team as a Ponzi scheme.
As per the SEC, what is bundled to that core flow of money within an MLM opportunity is irrelevant.
Of note is the SEC’s recent shutdown of Traffic Monsoon, who used the same adcredit Ponzi model as The Ads Team.
Another attempt to legitimize Ponzi fraud by The Ads Team is the inclusion of third-party affiliate banners on their site.
Again, this is external to the core investment mechanic of the scheme and does not negate the use of newly invested The Ads Team affiliate funds to pay off existing affiliates.
As with all Ponzi schemes once recruitment of new affiliates dries up so too will new fund entering the system.
This will see The Ads Team unable to meet its advertised ROI obligations.
At that point the scheme collapses, leaving the majority of The Ads Team affiliates with a loss.
Comments on “The Ads Team Review: OneCoin scammers launch new Ponzi scheme”
- #1Ari TumijoHey Oz, what about their claim that they have done deals and contracts with major retailers like Adidas and even Alibaba? Have you checked on that?
- #2OzPerhaps the more pertinent question is has The Ads Team provided any evidence to back up their claims? They’re the ones putting it out there.Anyone can sign up with a third-party affiliate network and display banners on a website.And in any event even if such deals and contracts existed, that doesn’t excuse Ponzi fraud.
- #3shilen patelThis article is againsit truth in my opinion.I know these guys and I know they are still active in onecoin. onecoin is a growing phenomenon whether we agree or not.people called bitcoin a scam and now look where bitcoin is. Being an affiliate for ACN or onecoin doesnt make them bad. both are credible company. acn has been arround for more than 23 years.I believe they have a genuine programme in shape of Theadsteam and I wish them all the success.
- #4OzThe review doesn’t state they aren’t.Growing Ponzi schemes don’t have payment problems.Bitcoin is not an MLM opportunity and is irrelevant.You really think it’s a coincidence this lot were promoting one Ponzi scheme before launching their own? Yeah… absolutely.Translation: You’re a The Ads Team investor hoping to rip off people through Ponzi fraud.At least be honest about it.
- #5Ari TumijoPrecisely. Had already asked them to provide proof of such partnerships, when in fact everyone can be a Alibaba affiliate.LOL, they are smoking those people inside that group.
- #6kazI don’t know do You really know what are You writing. Ponzi scheme.Can You earn some money if You won’t bring even one affiliate in ponzi scheme?? in revshare You can make money alone without any people in downline.In MLM 97% people not earning giving huge profit for only top members. in revshares programmes 97% people earn. it’s a future of internet making money systems and calls its ponzi is accurate i think.some of them are simply based on paying money from new members but also by internal profits from selling own products to advertise other online business. I’m using them also.Check subject and do research before writing any article otherwise it’s not professional
- #7OzWhat does that have to do with using newly invested funds to pay off existing investors?Absolute horseshit.When you are paying a >100% ROI it is mathematically impossible for the majority of investors to make money.Go back to school and get some basic education in math before running around the internet spouting logic-defying Ponzi rhetoric.