1. Amazon eBooks (Kindle)
Amazon has been in the news in recent weeks due to the explosion in eBook sales following the rise in popularity of its Kindle eReader. Kindle profits have already hit an all-time high, with billions of dollars in sales already accumulated. All that’s needed to profit from Kindle sales is an Amazon Associates account.
2. Global Domains International / Website.ws
Although this affiliate program has already been around a while, Website.ws is still a very strong affiliate program. The products are excellent and are always popular, plus start-up costs are only around $10. It’s a proven winner, so it’s well worth giving it a go.
3. Autoblog Samurai
Autoblog Samurai creates unique content automatically for your blog, based on your chosen niche, posting new content to your blog every day. You don’t even need a website or domain name in order to set up your blog, making this software completely unique. Making money from blogging just got a whole lot easier.
4. Commission Junction
Commission Junction has been around for a long time and has established itself as a successful and profitable affiliate opportunity. A number of high quality products are available through Commission Junction, with no start up costs to get you going either. Commission rates are impressive and, most of all, proven successful.
5. Turnkey websites
Turnkey websites allow you to do as the name suggests – simply turn a ‘key’ and your website is live, ready with a number of products for you to sell directly to your customers without the need for a warehouse or holding stock. Turnkey websites make it extremely easy to set up your own online shop with very little outlay.