Blogging. Do you think guest blogging
as a waste of resource? Well, then you must be a newbie to the blogging
world else you wont get a thought like that. When I was a fresher to
blogging I asked a question to myself “Why should I post content on some
other site? When I can do it on mine !” Well I was certainly wrong
which I came to know a little latter and I would not want another
blogger to commit the same mistake. Guest blogging is vital in many ways and I would uncover the importance of guest blogging as we go through the post.
What is Guest Blogging?
When you write a non-paid article on some blog other than yours, then
the act is known as Guest Blogging. Generally bloggers write articles
on other blogs for getting Links, Exposure and traffic.
Should I Guest Blog?
Unless you have a great SEO strategy which can get you quality backlinks,
Traffic and Name for you in the blogging arena without Guest Blogging
you will have to do that. It will increase your reputation and mark your
presence in the blogging world ! So yes, you should guest post.
Importance Of Guest Blogging:
Talking of Guest Blogging , I would like to inform my readers that I
also allow guest posting on my blog occasionally ! But certainly if the
article is genuine and distinct.
Expose yourself that you are Present:
Expecting the world to discover you by themselves is foolishness. Did
I hurt? Sorry, but that is what it is ! Bloggers have to understand
that others will only start to read your blog if you actually tell them
that you have a blog and i am telling this especially for newbies. When
you Guest post on other blogs which has quite good traffic & reputation will expose your presence in the blogging arena for sure.
Get Quality Backlinks:
If you are building a blog for search engine traffic then backlinks
are more than vital part of your SEO strategy. Backlinks will stamp your
authority and help search engines know that your site has good and
valuable content because no one will link spam or worthless sites. When
you write guest posts most bloggers offer a backlink from the post. If
you are searching for quality blogs to guest post then I would recommend
Hellbound Bloggers, Shout Me Loud , Quick Online Tips and Pro Blogger. If you haven’t started on guest blogging yet then this should be the start. You can also check sites to analyze backlinks to find where you stand.
Building Relationships:
One thing which is universally respected in the blogging world is
content and you will get applauded for that. When you have great content
bloggers will surely accept your guest post and this will be the start
to a healthy relationship with the bloggers and their readers. Blogging
always survives on networks and guest blogging gives birth to new
Freelancing Contracts:
If you are guesposting on popular blogs then it means you have really
good content writing skills that is why they have accepted your guest
posts right? There are lot of professionals who always are on the look
for new fresh talent on popular blogs and you may come under the
scanner of these professionals and you may be paid for writing for them.
Guest blogging thus can get you free lancing contracts based on your
skills. You should understand, skill is important but exposure is also
important for getting you a name.