with multiple niche, like I have a tech blog
– Technoleash and this one where I cover topics on wordpress, blogging
and social media. But in both blogs I use more or less the same plugins
and have always loved their utilities. Here is a list of 10 basic must
have wordpress plugins.
Must Have WordPress Plugins List:
All-in-one SEO
SEO is a must and I hope everyone knows what it is. Search Engine
Optimization is the key in exposing your site in most of the search
engines and get traffic from it. If you are not running a personal blog
then having this plugin is a must. It optimizes onpage SEO and helps in
better ranking of your pages. It generates meta-tags and also allows
you to have a Meta-title and meta-description as well. It is #1 Most
downloaded plugin ( Some Sources ).
Download All-in-one SEO here
Sometimes it happens that you delete some posts or move its content
to another. It may be simple enough but it creates a huge panic for
search engines and finally you have to pay for it. Thus if you are
moving a post to new url, you can create a simple 303 redirection and
forward the requests to new url.
Download Redirection here
Smart Youtube
Smart Youtube Plugin allows you to directly embed Youtube videos on
to your blog with the link to it. It is the best way to have youtube
videos on your blog rather than depending on the iframe code which
Youtube provides.
Download Smart Youtube here
Google XML Sitemaps
XML Sitemaps is a recommended thing by all Search Engines which
improves the indexing of your site in search engines. Google XML
Sitemaps takes all your load of manual indexing. Once you have it
installed, it automatically generates a sitemap and sends it to search
Download Google XML Sitemaps here
The biggest problems that most blogs face is the number of spam
comments they receive. Spams are always a headache and almost all sites
on the web have anti-spam mechanisms. Akismet is such mechanism for all
the wordpress blogs, it is a kind of system which checks comments
against a set of algorithm and determines whether it is a spam or not.
Download Akismet here
Related Posts Plugin
When you start a wordpress blog and if you are doing it to get
maximum exposure through search engines then mostly you are going to
write articles on a particular niche. While doing that, you actually
write a number of posts that are inter-related. Thus, it is a compulsion
that you install a related post plugin which will display a list of
posts related to the current for every visitor on your blog. This will
help reducing bounce rate. You can have any one of the below installed
Download Yet Another Related Posts here
Download n-Relate here
W3 Total Cache
Having your site response faster is always better, both users and
search engine bots like it. W3Total Cache uses Javascript Caching, CSS
Caching, Page Caching and Object Caching which helps in enhancing your
blogs performance ten times better. It is used by many top web portals.
Download W3 Total Cache here
WP Login Security
When blogs have multiple authorship and open for guest blogging, the
risk of being attacked grows even bigger. WP Login Secutiry helps in
protecting wordpress dashboard login from hackers. Brute-Force attack is
completely eliminated and helps in blocking a user from trying after a
limited number of tries.
Download WP Login Security here
Broken Link Checker
Broken Links are a major cause in demotion of your search engine
rankings. Search Engines hated broken links and they feel that your site
cannot be trusted. Links can be broken at any time, for example a site
that you have linked might be shut down. So, it is always better to have
Broken Link Checker plugin just to have it eliminated.