It is all the more a necessity that you have good number of articles and of good quality to actually make this work.
This post is part of Basic Blog Tips which we will be continuously posting on. You may also want to check this article on “sites to check backlinks for your site“.
Strategies to Get Backlinks:
Guest Blogging:
When you ask any pro-blogger “how I can get quality backlinks?” The answer would be straight forward “Guest Blogging”. Guest Blogging not only gets you backlinks of high quality but also helps you get Traffic, Reputation and Exposure. The latter three are vital to become a credible blogger. Thus as a blogger it becomes a necessity to guest blog on a regular basis. You can check this article from Hellbound Bloggers “6 PR6 Blogs to guest blog” which will help you find high PR6 blogs who accept guest articles.Commenting on other Blogs:
I don’t know how but people start to believe that commenting on other blogs is of no use but actually it is one of the better things a blogger can do to build links and reputation. Care must be taken that you don’t build an impression of just building links, it is better that you post good reasonable comments in the comment section. This will help in people starting to recognize you as a knowledgeable person. This is an added advantage with other being that you are actually building a link.
Write Unique Content:
Many may feel that I am wrong on this but I got to say that Blogging has reached a saturation point wherein actually you already have a blog post on everything. Now it is just an enhancement of articles that are already posted. Now in a situation like this, if you write something out of the box with unique idea people are going to like it and other bloggers may like to link your article in their blog.
Code WordPress Plugins:
The next two ways that I am listing out here may not be for everyone because it needs a little technical knowledge basically PHP, Ajax, Java Scripts. I see that many bloggers are from Engineering background and that too from Computers which means they have good sound knowledge in programming. They can create plugins which provide some service and have link attached in it. You need not worry for promotion as you can list your plugin in official WordPress site for download.
Develop WordPress Themes:
If you see almost every WordPress Theme that you use/download will have a link to the creators of the theme. Isnt it easy to get millions of backlinks?because blogging world is not small by any means. Take Thesis, Swift theme all have backlinks in the footer which will help in increasing their PR. You can build one as well and give it for free, specially to newbie bloggers who would be more than willing to try it out.
If you believe that you have a popular blog with quality content then you may want it to be featured on Wikipedia. You can create a page about your blog and post the article on Wikipedia. Make sure that it is something worthwhile for Wikipedia else you may run with the chances to get it deleted.
Yahoo Answers:
If you run a blog with “How to” or some Tutorial kind of articles then Yahoo Answers may be the perfect thing you need to build backlinks for your blog. You can help people find the answers by posting a reply to the queries and in “source” section you can type in your blogs article if it is related to the query. Yahoo Answers Backlinks are really powerful and of high importance.
Use Social Media:
Use Facebook, Twitter, Stumble Upon, Digg and other related sites to promote your articles which will help you in exposing the article and building a base for it. Bookmarking sites are always good for your Blog’s SEO and this strategy is a must do for bloggers to use the social media platform.