There are a few different options that you can consider when choosing to sell ad space. You can do banner ads or text links. Both have the same effect it’s just different packaging. Banner ads don’t really detract from the content, and they just usually hang on the top or side of a page. People can interact with them if they want. Text links are usually on the side or worked into an article or other various content that may appear on your site. Much of this probably sounds very familiar because you’ve seen all of these before. Basically, the idea is to get people to interact or view the ads, whether this is through online surveys or display ads. But before you can do that, you have to get followers.
You can’t just start a site and expect that marketing companies and advertisers are going to throw money at you. In order to get their attention, you have to first show that you can bring something to the table, and that something is all in the numbers. The more people you have coming to your site the more someone is going to pay you for your ad space. If you don’t generate any hits or have a decent user base, companies are not going to give you anything.
Determining pricing is done in a couple different ways, and there’s not single way that’s better than any other. One method is charging a flat rate per month regardless of how many hits the ads generate. Another method is by charging per one thousand impressions. This is determined by the number of times that a banner is displayed. This is usually reserved for those blogs that generate multiple thousand hits every single day. There are other payment options, but you’d have to work that out with any potential clients. Sometimes advertisers are just fine with you providing a link to their site, but other times they’ll want you to provide them with a custom link so they can keep track of the clicks that come in from your site.
If you already have several hundred or thousand hits every day, then you’ve already done most of the work. Once all of this is done, then you can talk with advertisers and set up a Pay Pal subscription so the billing is taken care of each month. Now this is considered income so you’ll have to define any money you receive as earnings so don’t think that it’s free money. If you want to advertise, but you don’t’ have the numbers necessary to make it worthwhile, then look into ways you can increase your online traffic. Selling ad space can be very lucrative; it just takes the right approach.