4 Tips How to Regain Your Blogging Optimism

When blogging, it’s important to remember to keep your spirits up and to try to always have a positive attitude towards blogging, otherwise your readers will catch on to your negativity and feel put off by the pessimism in your writing. Of course, you cannot always publish positive blog posts; certainly, at times, the blogging community needs to have critical blog posts published. But there’s a difference between writing a rant-filled pessimistic post and a post that is constructively critical of an issue within the blogging community.
Furthermore, it’s important to keep a good attitude when the blogging itself becomes hard to do every day. For example, if you’re struggling to come up with relevant blog post topics and you are worried that you just don’t have enough traffic yet, then being positive about your decision to blog can be tough. But if you can figure out ways to stay positive, then you’ll last much longer as a blogger, and you will eventually have those great traffic stats you’ve always wanted.
Here are some ways to keep a good attitude when it comes to blogging.

1. Publish Positive Features

If you’ve hit a low point in your blogging, then one way to recharge your positivity is to begin a new part of your blog that features positive events, people, and other things within your blogging community. For example, you could start a ‘Thank You’ feature, which thanks important bloggers who have helped you become a successful blogger. Or you could create a ‘Role Models’ or ‘Mentors’ feature that provides interviews for your readers between a role model and his or her protégé. Basically, think of ways that can highlight and emphasize the positive aspects of your blogging community.

2. Balance the Criticism

If you absolutely must write a critical blog post about an issue within the community, then you should try to balance that criticism with some praise. Creating posts that list ‘pros and cons’ is a good way to make sure that you balance the negativity. As long as the critical posts that you write contain some form of constructive criticism and praise, then you can keep a positive tone to your blogging.

3. Cut Out All Negativity

It’s important to understand that criticism is different than negativity. In other words, negativity is purposeless criticism. For example, a commenter leaves a comment on your blog that simply says, ‘I hate this!’ or ‘I disagree’ is someone who is unnecessarily being negative. Moderate these comments: cut them out unless the criticism is explained. It’s no use surrounding yourself by negative people.

4. Revise Your List of Blogging Goals

Nothing creates positivity than having something to look forward to. If you are hurting for blogging optimism, then you should try to revisit you list of blogging goals and update them. Check to see if you’ve reached these goals. If you haven’t, then revise them and refocus your attention on reaching your goals. By having a list of goals to look forward to, you will have created for yourself a positive perspective, one that will drive you onward in the world of blogging.