25 Famous Blogs That Use WordPress

25 Famous Blogs That Use WordPress WordPress has been, at the core, a blogging platform for regular guys and girls like you and I who wanted to run a website and update it with content – our thoughts, ideas, designs, photos, ect. With its gaining popularity though, it has definitely gained some momentum with people/companies with a little more exposure and fame than you and I have. So I went out and found 25 famous blogs who run on wordpress and put them together in a list for all of us to gawk at :)
Below are the twenty five famous wordpress blogs, listed in no particular order except the order that I found them. If you’re looking for more famous blogs that run on wordpress, make sure you check out Matt’s page in the wordpress codex. It’s full of tons of great links.
Question for the readers: Only 4 of the blogs listed actually have a “Powered by wordpress” link on their site – can you name which four they are?


famous blogs wordpress

Wall Street Journal Magazine

famous blogs wordpress

Army Live

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Richard Branson

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Emeril’s Cooking Blog

famous blogs wordpress

Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen

famous blogs wordpress

The Greg Brady Project

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The Martha Stewart Blog

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Ben & Jerry’s Blog

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The Ford Story

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DC Universe

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MTV Newsroom

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Beastie Boys

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Jane Fonda

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Margaret Cho

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famous blogs wordpress

Curt Schilling’s 38 Pitches

famous blogs wordpress

Stephen Fry

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Best Week Ever

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Kevin Smith’s Boring Ass Life

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famous blogs wordpress


famous blogs wordpress


famous blogs wordpress

Obey Giant

famous blogs wordpress

New Kids On The Block

famous blogs wordpress