Ex Marine Reveals the ONE Veggie You Need to STOP Eating to Lose 1 POUND of Belly Fat Every 72 Hours

Ex-Marine Reveals the ONE Veggie You Need to STOP Eating to Lose 1 POUND of Belly Fat Every 72 Hours!
What I found in the unforgiving desert would empower Sharon to lose over 40 pounds and save her life.
Sharon achieved this miracle without pills, surgeries or gut-wrenching workouts!
You might be shocked when you learn about the method she used to eradicate body fat and give her the youthful energy to go with it.
Sharon had battled her weight for years. She’d tried every weight loss fad and followed the advice of “fitness gurus” who preached tons of cardio and crazy diets.
This weight loss method is so astonishingly effective, I’ve retired from the Marine Corps so I can dedicate my life to sharing this miraculous secret with everyone who wants to shed pounds and improve their health.
The real breakthrough came out of nowhere, backed up by independent clinical research from some of the world’s top universities, and I had to go overseas to find out about it. It would change Sharon’s life. I’m going to tell you about the lies that create roadblocks to weight loss.
Another lie is that all vegetables are good for you. Some veggies create a serious thyroid imbalance that builds fat in your gut, no matter how much you work out.
One big lie is that salty foods are a hindrance to losing weight. It sounds crazy, but a lack of salt lowers the pH level in your stomach, so you can’t burn fat. It also leads to digestive problems, making you feel bloated and gassy. Studies have shown that excessive cardio speeds up the aging process, is ineffective at burning fat, and can cause serious heart conditions like arterial plaque buildup, oxidative stress, and scar tissue on the heart, leading to deadly heart attacks.
They both deliver deadly trans-fats right into your bloodstream, destroying the body's metabolic system and bringing the production of thyroid hormones to a grinding halt – directly resulting in increased fat storage, specifically around your stomach and thighs.
It goes against everything we’ve been taught. What about the scientifically proven fact that fat-free, sugar-free, gluten-free and low-carb diets make you fatter because of two body-fattening amino acids that are hiding in many foods you’ve been led to believe are healthy?
I’ll tell you the truth about how super-fit celebrities lose weight so quickly.
And according to WebMD, people who overdo exercise have shorter life spans and put themselves at greater risk for heart attack. The early symptoms of heart attack are shortness of breath and chest pains, but exercise over-achievers think it’s because they’ve had a good workout. Here’s something that might tick you off. All the so-called “stars” on Nutrisystem’s success stories page are bogus, and I’ll show you proof. This fit body is not the result of eating expensive, pre-packaged Nutrisystem foods!
You’ll learn the exact fat-burning system that’s been scientifically tested and proven to melt fat away with incredible speed, skyrocket your energy levels, balance your body chemistry, and ramp up your sex drive – so quickly, safely, and effectively that you’ll wonder why Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil haven’t been talking about it for years.
Best of all, I’ll tell you exactly how Sharon Monroe lost over 40 pounds and just dodged leaving her husband a widower. You’ll find out how nearly getting blown to bits in a cave in Afghanistan led me to the discovery that would change Sharon’s life and thousands of others. My method lets you transform your body without drugs, surgeries, expensive supplements, exhausting workouts, motivational rituals, or overpriced fitness garbage. This system has proven to work for folks of any age, body type or state of health because it’s based on sound physiological and anatomical principles of the human body’s natural functions.
What’s astonishing is that everything I was previously led to believe about nutrition and body fat was wrong! I had to leave the country to stumble on the proven secrets you’re going to learn about right here.
The weight loss industry isn’t happy about what I’m doing. It makes tens of billions of dollars by cleverly marketing fads like the TLC Diet, Slim Fast, Nutrisystem, Jenny Craig and South Beach, and they’re threatened by the information I’m going to share. I’m exposing the lies they use to bilk people out of billions each year… more than $61 billion as of 2010, based on a Marketdata study of the U.S. weight loss industry alone.
They don’t want me to show people like you how to lose weight without losing money.