If you own a Blogger blog that is getting enough traffic, making you earn good money with Google Adsense, then you possibly know the trick. This article is for you who is suffering and wondering on how you can make your blog work and get you paid. The good news is that, there are clear simple ways in which you can increase your Adsense earnings.
If you think that using blogger means automatic increase in earnings
then you are wrong, for blogger only makes it easy for you to incorporate Google Adsense to your blog, marketing is for you to do. With this in light, you have to figure out ways to get traffic to your Blogger blog in order to earn from Adsense. Start by using a simple trick of email newsletter posting, this helps in reminding your visitors of what your site offers. Avoid having a vague blog, cut out your niche and this will go along way at attracting a list of subscribers, and at the same time, it will make it very easy for you to put up relevant Ads in your blog.
So, how can you get traffic to your blog? Below are some of the ways that will help you get the traffic that you desire.
Article marketing
This is one of the ways of getting free traffic. However, you must do some research before indulging in writing. Your articles have to rely on the keywords that have most searches on while at the same time avoid the competitive keywords. With article marketing, you have to have to be creative, at the same time come up with fresh content all the time.
There is no limitation regarding the number of articles that you can write, in fact, the more the better. If you can submit 5-10 articles per day to leading article directories then you are at a better chance of getting traffic to your blog. There are article directories that will allow back-links, if it does, you should take this advantage and paste your site contact. For those that do not allow, make good use of the resource box.
This might sound like a joke to many, but the truth of the matter is that, it really works. This is a simpler way to market your site compared to article marketing where you need to put a lot of effort into writing and research. The first thing that you should do is join a forum that is in close relation with your blog niche. With forums, you need to post constructive and helpful ideas. The importance of this is that, the forum users will trust you and become more interested on what you have to offer. This is where your signature comes in. Please note that there are forums that do not allow one to post contact information, others allow on the same. Make use of this opportunity and clearly put up your contact on the signature area. Members who find your content helpful will surely follow the link to your blog hence traffic.
Classified advertising
Classified advertising is relatively an old way of getting traffic. However, this does not mean that it is outdated. In fact, with classified advertising you are able to reach a wide number of people at a cheap cost. One of the best sites for classified ads is the Craiglist. As much as classified advertising may take a while at driving traffic to your blog, it is still worth a shot.