Canada announces its need for thousands of immigrants from 2019 to 2021.

Canadian Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussein said Canada will receive an additional 40,000 immigrants annually from next year to 2021.
The minister explained that the plan to bring immigrants for many years makes Canada one of the very competitors in the global market to bring the best experiences and skills to the state.The number will rise from 310,000 a year

to 350,000 over the next three years, he said, noting that there is an urgent need for immigrants within the economic program throughout Canada, which is suffering from a lack of employment, with rising rates of workers from the elderly.
He stressed that the current Government was taking a concrete approach to migration, while taking into account the need to ensure that newcomers arrived at their proper places.
Canada's announcement of the figures came on Wednesday as part of a new government plan to raise immigration rates in the next three years from 2019 to 2021.