The series of murders in Iraq is continuing and even more brutal. This time, a 15-year-old boy, Hamoudi al-Mutairi, known as the "King of the Anstagram", was involved.
Hamoudi did not spare his childhood and innocent face, and was the most cruel way to kill him among the victims who preceded him, where he was stabbed several stabs that took his bowels and his body out of his body.

A horrifying video spread to his last moments as he uttered his last breath. An unidentified person asked him - and he was said to have killed him - "Shaw your name, your house and your friend's growth." In a reference to an illegal relationship with another young man, Hamoudi answers with difficulty and asks, "What comes out of my body? The photographer responds "Masarenk Tala mean your bowels took out", and realized Hamoudi his condition and said, "By death, I want to see my mother."

According to Kudristan 24, local media reported that Hamoudi used to publish his picture on his account on Instagram and pictures challenging the stereotype of the two sexes, until it came to the launch of the title of "King of Instagram" on him, criminals suspected of sexual orientation, and followed him on Yarmouk Street and before his arrival They stabbed him with several stabs that led to his death, and documented their crime with a video and he utters his last breath.
While the Iraqi government has not officially commented on the crime, angry reactions spread through social media calls for the international community to intervene to put an end to these crimes, which were rampant against homosexuals, bisexuals or transgender people in 2009 and 2012.

Then began a series of assassinations began mysterious young Karrar Noshi, who was dubbed "King of the beauty of Iraq" and was fond of fashion and theatrical art, and appeared on his body traces of stabs and torture, and was dumped in one of the squares of Palestine Street in central Baghdad.
A security source said Noshi had recently received death threats for his style of dressing and hairstyles. His family said Karar had disappeared two days ago.

She was followed by two beauticians, Rafiq al-Yasiri and Rasha al-Hassan, who died in mysterious circumstances, and then the assassination of Miss Iraq, "Tarah Fares," when she was shot as she passed through the market in Baghdad in her car.
The Interior Minister and head of the National Security Service in Iraq Qasim al-Araji said the group involved in the killing of the model and Miss Iraq 2015. At times Fares is the same group that killed Karrar Nushi, describing it as a militant and trained group without giving further details on the progress of the investigations.
Araji said in a television statement that the killers of Fares and Karrar are groups working under the title of the promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice.