UK: Terrible Massacre of rape .. 20 men raping 1400 girls? A shocking punishment!

For seven years, Britain faced an embarrassing nightmare called the Asian Sex Gang, after 20 men committed horrific rape crimes, in which nearly 1,400 women were massacred. 
Today, the British judiciary has sentenced to 220 years' imprisonment for the exploitation and sexual assault of white teenage girls in a large number of British cities after they were arrested late last year and the court heard only 15 victims.
The number of victims of the rape ring is estimated at 1400 teenage girls, some under the age of 11, who were cheated and then brutally raped. Their crimes continued for seven years and after the trial at the Leeds Crown Court. 
Who are gang members of "Asian rape"?

All the men convicted in these crimes, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis, have been active in a number of British countries, including Newcastle, Rotherham, Rochdale and Telford. 
A report in the Guardian newspaper said earlier that the police would not have found the gang guilty if it had not been used by an informer who was convicted of sexual exploitation of children, adding that about £ 10,000 over 21 months had been paid to the man who watched Members of the gang guided them. 
One of the most prominent sentences of the judiciary was life imprisonment for one of the gang members, a former police inspector named Amir Singh Daliywal, 35. The judge said that the accused had committed the most daring abuse of adolescent girls over five years, Video clips of his crimes, and distributed to other men.
Sajid Hussain, a gang member fleeing the trial and sentenced in absentia, was identified by a 14-year-old girl as raping while she was returning from school. 
In late 2018,
following the arrest of gang members, the Leeds Crown Court began hearings in 2018, hearing abuses in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, Cars, parking, homes, snooker center, ready meals, parks, and other places. 
In an interview with the jury, Attorney General Richard Wright said one of the victims had tried to commit suicide, while others had had to undergo abortion after becoming pregnant.
"After being forced to drink alcohol and drugs, they were raped and trafficked in isolated areas or homes for the purpose of sexual assault by those who took them or from their homes," the court said. Before others, and were sometimes beaten. " 
15 girls who reported among the 1400 victims
Speaking after the case, the Chief Inspector in the West Yorkshire Police said: "I would like to pay tribute to all the victim made to report these heinous crimes, and have struggled in the presence of the trials, which is almost a year - long, in order to reach Final verdict". 
"We welcome the convictions and sentences that have been issued against these banned individuals who have introduced adolescent girls to unspeakable sexual and physical abuse," he added.
The judge described the case as "disgusting and degrading" at the end of the trial, which shook British society. The case first appeared 
in 2010
and the case first appeared in 2010, when 5 Asian men were imprisoned for sexual offenses against minors, and found in 2014 that there were more than 1,400 victims of sexual exploitation in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013. 
Northumbria police also opened a major investigation, after receiving information from social workers and initially speaking with 108 potential victims, and 20 young women provided evidence covering the period from 2011 to 2014. 
In Rochdale, a trial was held for 9 men on charges of exploiting white girls from For sex, when they were convicted in 2012. The gang was sentenced to between four and 19 years in prison for crimes committed against 5 girls aged 13 to 15 in Rockdale,
In Newcastle, a total of 17 men and women were convicted on charges including rape, drug supply and prostitution, until the case returned to public awareness earlier this year, when the BBC broadcast stories 3 Girls from the victims. 
In Oxford, a number of men, who abused teenage girls in a car named "Gogun", were jailed for a total of 90 years in June this year.