Do you know Why do people gain weight in the winter?

Scientists at the University of Massachusetts have discovered why many people are overweight in the winter.
It is difficult to reduce or maintain weight during the cold season of the year. This turned out to be related to brain processes.
In the winter, the production of serotonin (the hormone of happiness) decreases significantly. As a result, the feeling of hunger increases and people begin to eat more carbohydrate than usual to curb it.  New Year's Day celebrations affect weight gain, as everyone spends their time around the feast tables, which include  that attract everyone to eat. Experts recommend daily walking and physical activity to neutralize the negative impact of the cold season.Scientists also note that serotonin production is reduced in women in the premenstrual period, and during these days, women are attracted to sweets and high-calorie foods. As is known, these substances increase the production of serotonin.