The 18-year-old Johnny Quinn underwent 80 reconstructive surgeries over a 14-year period after a fire accident that claimed 90 percent of his body, eventually making him feel like a "monster teenager". His pride and reconciliation with himself.
Quinn, who suffered the fire at his home in Milington, Tennessee, was only 4 years old and was rescued by his older sister at the Courageous Faces Foundation, an organization created to raise awareness of people with differences Physical and mental, as well as to promote fair treatment and equal opportunities.
In a report published on the Daily Mail website today,
Over the past 14 years, Quinn has struggled to look at himself in the mirror every day, and the anorexia that almost lost his life. "I finally learned that my appearance made me a unique person. Instead of looking in the mirror every day and seeing something I hate, I began to see what I could improve and what I could accept. "
"After my accident, it was even worse than the physical burns that I went through. Now I'm trying to look at everything from a different perspective. I want to be the person who changes the minds of people."