Steve Jobs' daughter Lisa recalls being forced to watch 'awkward' sexual intimacy

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "Steve Jobs' daughter Lisa"Steve Jobs allegedly forced her to watch an intimate moment with her step mother. Photo credit: Image: Getty

The daughter of Steve Jobs has recalled an "awkward" moment with her late father when he allegedly forced her to watch an intimate moment with her step mother.

Lisa Brennan-Jobs, 40, has opened up about her past in her upcoming memoir Small Fry. In the book she recalls her father, the found of Apple who died in 2011, teasing her about sex when she was just nine years old.

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She also reflects on an "awkward" moment where her father forced her to watch an intimate moment he was having with his second wife, Laurene Powell Jobs, The Sunreports.

An excerpt in the New York Times reveals Ms Brennan-Jobs witnessed her father moaning as he embraced his second wife, pulling her in to a kiss, "moving his hand closer to her breasts," and up her thigh.

In that moment, as Ms Brennan-Jobs went to leave the room, her father urged her to "stay here". According to the excerpt, Mr Jobs allegedly said, "We're having a family moment. It's important that you try to be part of this family."

But Ms Brennan-Jobs says her father was never threatening - just "awkward".

Her mother, Chrisann Brennan, has also recalled sexual conversations between Ms Brennan-Jobs and her father in her own memoir, The Bite In The Apple. She confirms that Mr Jobs teased his daughter about her "sexual aspirations".

Mr Jobs would ridicule his daughter with "sexual innuendos" and jokes about "bedroom antics between Lisa and this or that guy," Ms Brennan claims in her book.

Lisa Brennan-Jobs' memoir Small Fry will be published on September 4 by Grove Press.