A Powerful NEW Crypto-currency has started on
May 2016 and NOW you can be a Founding Member!
For a limited time only, all Swisscoin founding members who register early will receive 100 Swisscoins for free! The
Swisscoin community does not charge any monthly fees or have any obligations to buy anything - if you don't want to take part in any activities; you can still keep your 100 Swisscoins and use them as you wish.
For a limited time only, all Swisscoin founding members who register early will receive 100 Swisscoins for free! The
Swisscoin community does not charge any monthly fees or have any obligations to buy anything - if you don't want to take part in any activities; you can still keep your 100 Swisscoins and use them as you wish.
Crypto currencies are the people's response to the crises of our time. One only has to think about the recent financial, economic and currency crises of 2008. Traditional banking systems with FIAT CURRENCIES and corrupt policies are mostly at fault.

In these global times of uncertainty, SWISSCOIN digital crypto-currency will play an increasingly important role in the future of securing financial security and stability for your entire family.
Now you can become part of the new SWISSCOIN community for FREE and get started today as a founding member. As you all know, many of the founding members of Bitcoin became millionaires.
Once you register, you will be able to login to your back–office where you will see your 100 Swisscoins already placed in your account automatically.
You will also receive a website link to refer others who want to be founding members and receive their 100 free Swisscoins. Here is my referral link:
The Swisscoin community also offers a lucrative affiliate program that is multi-level and offers 5 different ways to make money.
Passive investors are welcome and can exchange paper currencies for Swisscoins and watch them grow in value while their paper money keeps deflating.

**Important** because the Swisscoin community is giving away 100 Swisscoins to its founding members, the web server is at times running very slow, so have patience when signing up. You definitely don't want to miss out on the 100 FREE Swisscoin! Also, not all the text is translated in English, but will be complete in English soon. If you wait too long, you may miss out on the 100 Swisscoin give-away.
Note: All members will be required to prove their identity before they can take any money out so it does not make any sense to open several accounts just to get lots of free Swisscoins. The security and integrity of Swisscoin is of the utmost importance.
Register NOW and get your 100 Swisscoins and start telling others! Here is the link to register:http://swisscoin.eu/goldcoin

In these global times of uncertainty, SWISSCOIN digital crypto-currency will play an increasingly important role in the future of securing financial security and stability for your entire family.
Now you can become part of the new SWISSCOIN community for FREE and get started today as a founding member. As you all know, many of the founding members of Bitcoin became millionaires.
Once you register, you will be able to login to your back–office where you will see your 100 Swisscoins already placed in your account automatically.
You will also receive a website link to refer others who want to be founding members and receive their 100 free Swisscoins. Here is my referral link:
The Swisscoin community also offers a lucrative affiliate program that is multi-level and offers 5 different ways to make money.
Passive investors are welcome and can exchange paper currencies for Swisscoins and watch them grow in value while their paper money keeps deflating.

**Important** because the Swisscoin community is giving away 100 Swisscoins to its founding members, the web server is at times running very slow, so have patience when signing up. You definitely don't want to miss out on the 100 FREE Swisscoin! Also, not all the text is translated in English, but will be complete in English soon. If you wait too long, you may miss out on the 100 Swisscoin give-away.
Note: All members will be required to prove their identity before they can take any money out so it does not make any sense to open several accounts just to get lots of free Swisscoins. The security and integrity of Swisscoin is of the utmost importance.
Note: the button to register is in German. Just click on it and you will be able to register. You only need to fill out your name, email, password and create your username to register. Here is what the button looks like:
It is not a coincidence that Swisscoin has chosen its company headquarters in "Canton Tal", the digital financial center of the new "Crypto Valley" in Switzerland.
The reasons for the SWISSCOIN company headquarters being in Switzerland is mainly due to the known location advantages like the long tradition of privacy, the stable and direct democratic policies and a supportive environment in computer science to mention just a few.
Swisscoin is surrounded by Fintech thought leaders like BitCoin, Ethereum, Monetas, Block Chain Source, Swiss mining and many other innovative companies in the field of crypto currencies. This is where the future standards in cryptography and the algorithms for crypto currencies are being developed and implemented.
But also very specific, Swisscoin has acquired considerable expertise in cryptography and security topics. And best of all, crypto currencies are treated as foreign currencies in Switzerland meaning that no new legislation is required and the control environment is extremely advantageous.
As you can see, everything is falling into place with our well planned–out project SWISSCOIN. The first units - of Genesis Block - the newly created currency, SWISSCOINTM will go live on the 4th of June, 2016 at 12:00 noon.
In the present pre-launch of Swisscoin, one can purchase a learning program/educational package starting at 25 Euros and receive Swisscoin Tokens that can be converted to swisscoins after the official launch gets underway. The educational products are financial educations programs on Crypto-currencies, stock market, options trading, Block Chain etc. etc.
Complete details about Swisscoin can be found in your backoffice under "Information Center"
Join the Swisscoin community and secure your 100 Free Swisscoins NOW - Here is the link:
Note: the button to register is in German. Just click on it and you will be able to register. You only need to fill out your name, email, password and create your username to register. Here is what the button looks like:
The reasons for the SWISSCOIN company headquarters being in Switzerland is mainly due to the known location advantages like the long tradition of privacy, the stable and direct democratic policies and a supportive environment in computer science to mention just a few.
Swisscoin is surrounded by Fintech thought leaders like BitCoin, Ethereum, Monetas, Block Chain Source, Swiss mining and many other innovative companies in the field of crypto currencies. This is where the future standards in cryptography and the algorithms for crypto currencies are being developed and implemented.
But also very specific, Swisscoin has acquired considerable expertise in cryptography and security topics. And best of all, crypto currencies are treated as foreign currencies in Switzerland meaning that no new legislation is required and the control environment is extremely advantageous.
As you can see, everything is falling into place with our well planned–out project SWISSCOIN. The first units - of Genesis Block - the newly created currency, SWISSCOINTM will go live on the 4th of June, 2016 at 12:00 noon.
In the present pre-launch of Swisscoin, one can purchase a learning program/educational package starting at 25 Euros and receive Swisscoin Tokens that can be converted to swisscoins after the official launch gets underway. The educational products are financial educations programs on Crypto-currencies, stock market, options trading, Block Chain etc. etc.
Complete details about Swisscoin can be found in your backoffice under "Information Center"
Join the Swisscoin community and secure your 100 Free Swisscoins NOW - Here is the link: