Court Rejects Apple Appeal in E-Book Case

A judge determined that Apple conspired with five publishers to fix prices for e-books.The court-appointed monitor in the Apple e-book price-fixing case can get back to work.
A federal appellate court on Monday rejected Apple’s request to stay the monitor, Michael R. Bromwich, a Washington lawyer, from doing any more work pending the outcome of its challenge to a judge’s earlier order appointing the monitor in the first place.
But a one-page ruling from the three-judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit did put some limits on how far Mr. Bromwich can go in demanding documents and interviews with Apple employees.
The ruling said that the monitor’s job was to make sure the company was putting in place procedures to comply with federal antitrust laws and that Apple executives and board members “are being instructed on what those compliance policies mean and how they work.” Yet, the order went on to say the monitor was not supposed to “investigate whether such personnel were in fact complying with the antitrust or other laws.”
The appellate panel said the limits were consistent with the trial court’s initial order and statements made by lawyers for the federal government, which brought the lawsuit, at a hearing last week.
In October, Judge Denise Cote of the United States District Court in Manhattan appointed Mr. Bromwich as the monitor after she earlier determined that the company conspired with five publishers to fix prices for e-books.
In January, Judge Cote rejected Apple’s request that she remove Mr. Bromwich. She told the company and its lawyers to stop challenging the monitor’s authority and let him do his work.
Apple contends the appointment of a monitor is unwarranted and represents a major intrusion into its business practices. The company has argued there is no need for a monitor because it is already moving to enact a plan to bring its pricing policies for consumer goods into compliance with federal antitrust laws.
A version of this article appears in print on 02/11/2014, on page B4 of the NewYork edition with the headline: Court Rejects Apple Appeal in E-Book Case.