Scoring your first Biebs tickets in November!
“We kind of have the same
story,’’ reasoned Justin Bieber twitter pal Dominque Pegg. “Well, not really, I’m not as famous as him. Obviously. But I came from a small town and had a big dreams, and my dreams are coming true, like his. He really inspires me.’’
An incredible run for Canada’s women’s gymnastics team continued with Pegg finishing 17th in Thursday’s individual all-around competition at the North Greenwich Arena.
“I’ve been blessed so much this week. It might sound corny, but all my dreams are coming true. It’s amazing,” she said. “The first day we were coming to do our best, our team, get in Top Eight. We did that. We competed and came fifth, and that was more than we could even imagine. Then when I found out I was in all-around …
“Then Justin Bieber tweeted me. It was so overwhelming.’’
The Sarnia native was able to hold her nerve in the hothouse environment of her first Olympics.
“I’m really happy with my performance. I started on beam. I’m usually nervous on my first event and when it’s done I kind of get in the mode,” she said. “I’m really happy I stayed on the beam. I was a little bit shaky. Floor wasn’t my best routines. I had low landings but still … it’s so much fun being out there on that floor, showing it to the crowd. SO amazing.
“Sticking my vault was pretty awesome. [Coach Dave Brubaker] always says ‘Save the family.’ That’s the saying we have in the gym, if we stick the landing your family is safe. Amazing. I can’t believe I was out there.’’
On her own. With her pals far away, in the stands, cheering her on.
“I was a little lonely out there without my teammates hugging me and cheering me on,’’ Pegg admitted. “Everyone was saying ‘C’mon, Dom, you nervous at all?’ And I was like ‘No, I’m not nervous. I’m just gonna be lonely. I’m going to miss you guys.’ I could totally hear them in the stands. I knew where they were. And it was fine. It was like they were there. And I knew what they’d be saying to me.’’
The Bieber tweets generated quite a stream of publicity.
“He tweeted me. Then he re-tweeted me. What did he say? Before first day of competition for the team I [tweeted him]: ‘OK, Justin Bieber, we’re going to compete soon. I think it’s time you said ‘good luck’ to us.’ He didn’t say good luck, he answered me after the competition, saying ‘Sorry I’m late to the party but I’ll always support you and be proud of you as a proud Canadian.’”
Pegg is a mega-fan of the teen idol. She’s never seen him perform live, but will get the chance in a couple of months.
“I’m really excited.’’
Now that they’re social media chums, maybe a chance to meet him?