Youngest ever Microsoft Certified Professional dies aged 16

In most cases talented people end up getting highlighted in the press usually for their achievements. When that person is a child, obviously the excitement surrounding their achievements is heightened. 
 That was certainly the case for Arfa Karim Randhawa, who at just 9 years old became the youngest ever Microsoft Certified Professional (although a boy of 8 now holds that crown). Her achievement back in 2005 was amazing, especially considering how tough the MCP program can be, and that before her only a few gifted teenagers had managed to become one.

Her certification also earned her a trip to Redmond where she met Bill Gates and asked him why there weren’t more women working there, and why Microsoft didn’t employ anyone of her age. She certainly left an impression and was a talent for the future. Quite probably a future Microsoft employee too.
So it’s with sadness that we have to report that late last week Arfa passed away in hospital aged 16.
On December 22 last year she suffered an epileptic seizure and cardiac arrest, and then slipped into a coma. At first her prognosis was very poor, but then in early January doctors expressed hope she may recover. Microsoft also got involved, hiring doctors to look at her condition and see if anything could be done beyond the facilities and expertise in the Pakistan hospital where she was recovering.
Unfortunately, that hope was short lived and she died on Saturday night in the Combined Military Hospital, Lahore. There was a complication with her tracheotomy tube that lead to bleeding in her throat. She was moved to the emergency room, but did not survive despite the doctor’s best efforts.
Although Arfa’s life was cut short, she showed so much potential and achieved more than most children do during the same period of their lives. If nothing else she should be held up as an example of what is possible and how talent and learning should always be encouraged from a very early age.
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