Account Overview
This is the screen that you’re greeted with when you open Tweet Adder and it tells you a lot of important information from all of your accounts. Depending on how many licenses you have, you may see multiple accounts on the screen. As you can see from the image below, all the information that I need is there for me to see, and I can pretty much leave the account alone unless I see something unusual. When I start adding more accounts that I want to manage, this overview option really comes into its own and saves me a lot of time as I won’t have time to go through all of them.Activity
If you want to keep track of what exactly your account is doing, you can open up the activity window. This was useful when I found that I had reached my follow limit, because the activity provides more detailed information. Because some of the techniques used by Tweet Adder aren’t allowed by Twitter, you may find at times that certain features stop working for short periods of time so this is a great place to check up on them. Recently I found that not all of my welcome messages were sending, even though they said they were in here. I then used this information to report the bug to Tweet Adder who are pretty good at getting their bugs fixed quickly.Functions
Black List / White List
This is the first option available to you in Tweet Adder 3, and it controls what you do with certain users. Adding users to the black list will prevent Tweet Adder from ever following that person and this is particularly useful for anyone that you consider to be spammy and don’t want to see, or perhaps people that you’ve known in the past that haven’t followed you back. I don’t personally use this option as I don’t look at my twitter feed – I use software to manage my accounts. As you may imagine, the white list is the opposite to the black list and any users you add to white list will prevent Tweet Adder from ever UnFollowing them. I use this feature for the big name tweeters in my niche who I’ve written about or had contact with in the past, even if they haven’t followed me back. I don’t usually read their tweets, but it helps to show them recognition in this way.Tweet Search
This a very useful tool for finding more targeted followers. It basically searches through all of the tweets containing your search term and location (optional) and find new followers from there. This is really intelligent as people’s blurbs and what they’re actually interested in can be a little bit different. Twitter tries to put a stop to this sort of thing and will now only produce 20 results at a time, so if you want to use this a lot, you need to turn automation on. Automation is one of the best parts about Tweet Adder – you can just leave it running and not have to do anything.Profile Data Search
This is where I get the majority of the people I follow – I can find people in my niche and people who live locally at the same time. You also have the option to add inverted commas to make your search terms target better, for example, as I’m in the photography tutorial niche, I may search “wannabe photographer”. The only problem I’ve found with this search is that you can’t find users with 2 search terms at the same time. For example, “photographer” and “i’ll follow you back” will bring up 2 sets of search results and not 1 result that contains both terms.There are other search parameters that you can include though to help you find better results and I use all but 1 of them. You can first select the range of followers that someone has, and I like to select that someone has a maximum number of followers which is the same or less than the number of following. That way I know that anyone I find will be following more people than they have followers, meaning that they’re more likely to follow me back. I like to set a minimum number of updates to 100 so that I know the twitter users are active and I also make sure that they have custom profile images as it’s an easy step that any real Twitter user should be taking.
Followed by / Followers of a User
This is a really cool feature that adds all the followers of a particular user to your ‘To Follow’ list. You go and find a competitor in your niche and start following their followers in the hopes that they’ll follow you back. I won’t go into too much detail as unfortunately this feature no longer appears to be working since Twitter updated to their new version. Hopefully Tweet Adder will find a solution to this in the near future.Follow
When you’ve found people you want to follow and added them to your ”To Follow” list, you then have the option to follow people as and when you please, or you can turn on the the automation and the program will automatically follow people for you. Then all you have to do is to turn on the automation and leave it running on your computer and your job is done. This sort of automation is not allowed by Twitter so Tweet Adder sets delays between each follow so that Twitter can’t detect the automation. You also have the option to limit the amount of users you follow each day and this is especially important when you get to 2000 followers as Twitter starts to put a stop to excessive following that’s often used in Twitter marketing. In my experience, I’ve found the limit to be somewhere around 1.15 for every user who follows you. Don’t worry though, Tweet Adder has a great tool for unfollowing people who don’t follow you back which helps you greatly to carry on your marketing.Follow Back
I use the follow back function as an incentive for people to follow me and I advertise it in my blurb so that people know about it. It may be a little transparent, but I promise you, it really works. This works in much the same way that following people does, including the option to stop following people when you reach a certain ratio. I don’t use that option though as I promise to follow everyone back. Turn the automation on and just leave it to do it’s thing.UnFollow Users
This is was the initial reason that I got Tweet Adder, because websites had been banned from allowing people the option to unfollow people. The only website left that I could find would only list all of my followers and allow me to click through each one of them and unfollow them manually. Tweet Adder tidies all of this up for you and does it automatically, and even allows you set a maximum number of days that you can wait before unfollowing someone, which gives them a proper chance to follow you back. From my experience with Tweet Adder so far, I’ve noticed that who to unfollow section doesn’t work the way that it should do. By this, I mean that I had my automation set up to unfollow anyone who was followed through Tweet Adder who hadn’t followed back after 3 days. For whatever reason, this wasn’t working, so I’ve switched over to unfollowing all nonreciprocal followers after 3 days. What I suggest is that when you start using Tweet Adder, you unfollow anyone who’s not following you back and then set the automation to unfollow everyone who doesn’t follow back, not just people you’ve followed through Tweet Adder.Tweets
This is the section where you can start creating your own tweets to go out at certain times of the day. The only problem is though that you can’t select a certain time you want the tweet to send, you can just select the intervals. If you did just want to tweet every four hours then this is fairly easy to set up, you just select the right number of minutes. If you don’t want to start submitting tweets one at a time, you can import a tweet list that you’ve put together elsewhere and that will save you some time. A good use for the tweeting action which I’m thinking of doing is to add a load of my own tutorial links and have them tweet in rotation every 6-12 hours. I use the tweet generator to come up with my tweets, and I want them to continuously post so I select the tweets to recur and to post in a random order as well. It’s important to make sure that you have the latest version of Tweet Adder because they’ve changed their URL shortening service to Google as their previous service had been marked as spam by Google. Tweet Adder is just one of those programs that you always want to make sure is updated.Tweet Generator
If you’re looking for an easy way of generating new tweets everyday without really trying, then this is a great tool, and one that I used once to create the results which I use daily. You can group multiple phrases that essentially say the same thing and link to the same site and Tweet Adder will shuffle them to create as many unique tweets as possible. Anything that’s included in a bracket and separated with a comma will be chosen at random for a tweet, until there is no combinations left. Have a look at the one I do for my Facebook fan page below.RSS Tweeting
As part of my Twitter marketing, I post relevant content in my tweets a few times a day. This works in 2 ways; firstly, anyone who may follow me is seeing that I’m posting relevant content to them and not just spaming them with my own links, and I’ll start to receive recognition from the people who I tweet about. I used to spend a couple hours every 10 days coming up with the links and what I would write about them, export them to a spreadsheet and upload them to Hootsuite. Now, I don’t bother. I simply add the RSS feed of a website which I know posts good content and then I add a few extra words that will apply to everything they post. I always include an @user so that they know I’m tweeting about them. Have a look below at how I’ve got it set up – notice that I can set intervals for these tweets and limit the number of daily tweets.Re-Tweets
This function allows you to input users that you want to retweet, and add keywords that they have to include in their tweets, to get retweeted. Again, you can set all the usual parameters, but I don’t personally use this function. I post enough content from other people as it is, and I don’t really want to spam peoples Twitter feeds more then I have to, so I leave this function alone. It does have clear advantages, but I’m not sure they’re that much better than just using RSS tweeting.@Replies
This function doesn’t quite work well enough for me to want to use it, because it essentially replies to people who tweet at you. It may sounds like a great idea when you first think about it, but you can never be too sure what people are saying to you. I encourage people to tweet at me, asking me various questions, and if I just set up and automated reply that said “thanks for the mention!”, then I would look like a robot and that would put people off.Thank You Messages
I’ve been using this function through different programs since day 1, but it’s nice to finally have it all in one place. Tweet Adder checks for new followers at intervals that you set and sends messages to each of them. You can input multiple messages into the list, but I’ve tried a few and I find the one that I’m using now works the best. I strongly suggest that you use this function as it allows you to have an interaction with your followers as soon as they follow you back. This is the most acceptable time to message them as it’s fairly commonplace and the conversion rate for this type of message is much higher than any tweet I send. This is my personal message: Come interact with me and other readers at the Facebook fan page for advice, tutorials and photos. http://t.co/jcsFRaq Enjoy the site, JoshOther Messages
This function allows you to message all of your users with the click of a button, but I’m yet to use it. It’s a good tool if you’ve got something that you want to sell and you’re looking to target your niche, but it should always be used with caution. Mass messaging like this, particularly if you’re trying to sell something, may be seen a spam from your followers and they may report it. If enough people report you, you may end up finding that you get your account banned, which is the last thing you want.Want to start using Tweet Adder? Click Here To Get It!