Technology news. Some of their best performing categories are Marketing and Business.
In 2011, Mashable has taken over the sale of their advertising. Simply by not giving away a huge revenue share to an ad network such as Google AdSense, they have effectively doubled their revenue. Direct advertising is one of many ways to make money blogging (#7) and is likely the single biggest money maker for professional bloggers.
The State of the Blogosphere
The massive success and following of online publications such as Mashable, the largest online publication The Huffington Post, and AOL’s purchase of TechCrunch for $25 million has led the blogosphere to grow tremendously in 2011. Even smaller bloggers are getting multi-million dollar deals.The blogosphere has truly arrived to the mainstream in 2011, largely piggy-backing off the success of Facebook, Twitter and other means of social news consumption.
Blogging is an essential and increasingly important part of online business. I highly recommend it. If you can curate and share value, you will gain customers and keep your existing ones in-touch.
I look forward to riding the wave generated by this Internet boom with DotSauce Magazine. I believe the domain industry will make a similar emergence in 2012 with the introduction of thousands of new gTLDs. It’s not so far-fetched to predict the future as the exponential growth of the internet is plain to see.
Congratulations to Mashable–thank you for leading the way.