For those not in the know, domain flipping refers to the practice of buying domain names
with the intent of selling them on quickly for a profit. This is linked to the wider practice of domain name speculation, which is essentially the same thing, but the resale tends to happen further down the line than it does with domain flipping.
The domain is, basically, the address of a website, and popular options for people looking to buy domains include words that are really popular with search engines. You know the type – those words that are generic yet descriptive and so are relevant to a large audience (such as ‘finance’, ‘poker’, ‘make money online’ and so on).
So, the theory is that you buy up domain names and then when you sell them on, you make money. If you are thinking of getting into domain flipping then one thing you need to be aware of is that there is no guarantee that any particular domain name will be sold after you have bought it; it’s all about judging the state of the market in order to determine whether or not something is likely to sell. Not everything will, but that doesn’t mean it never will, so you shouldn’t worry too much.
One tactic to consider if you are hoping to make money from domain flipping is to research what’s popular online at the moment or, even better, trends that look set to emerge in the near future. For example, if you have a great head for business you might be able to spot an up and coming business opportunity that most people aren’t yet aware of. Then, you would buy up all of the relevant domain names.
Once everyone else had become aware of the potential of that area of the market and were starting to set up businesses surrounding it, they would naturally want website domains that were relevant to what they were doing. This is where you would come in as you would own the domain names. You’d then offer to sell the domains to the people looking to buy them, for more money than you originally purchased them for – and there’s your profit.
This means that if you do want to make a profit from domain flipping, you need to have an eye for up and coming areas of the internet and know how to spot a potentially lucrative domain name when you see one. You might, for instance, want to use tools such as Google Adwords to research similar phrases that could point you in the direction of other domains to consider.
If you want to make a success of domain flipping, it will take dedication, research and an eye for an opportunity. As long as you have all of these things, there’s every chance domain flipping could be profitable for you.