Choose a hot topic and put a new spin on it
You can always turn to current events for content. Browse through news
sites that feature stories related to your blog’s topic and offer your take on the story. If the story is particularly popular in the blogosphere, try to tackle it from a different perspective. Even if the story isn’t immediately relevant to your post, cover the story and establish a connection to your topic. For instance, if you run a design blog you could capitalize on the buzz surrounding Steve Jobs’s resignation as Apple CEO by writing a post about how Steve Jobs influenced you as a designer. In this example, you would effectively inform your readers on current events while simultaneously giving them insight to your design aesthetic.
Get your name out there!
If you plan on having a successful blog, you have to do more than post regularly. Even blogs with smart SEO methods can run the risk of obscurity. Utilize the tools available to market your blog to those who may not be able to find it otherwise. Twitter, for instance, is a great social media tool that can quickly increase a blog’s presence. Set up a Twitter account for your blog and start following influential Tweeters that share your blog’s interests. Tweet regularly and use hash tags that capture popular buzz words related to your blog’s topic.
You should also consider guest posting as a means of distinguishing yourself among bloggers. If you frequently guest post on other relevant blogs and allow for people to guest post on your blog, it’s a no-brainer that you’ll gain a larger readership. The more you post on other sites, the more readers will notice your presence in their corner of the blogosphere. And when those same readers visit your blog and notice that you have guest posters of your own, they may even contact you to publish their own post. Seize upon guest posting’s networking potential and you’ll be sure to increase the traffic on your blog.
Write well
This last point cannot be emphasized enough. Your writing should be precise, interesting, and short enough to keep the reader’s attention. And don’t forget to spell check everything! You could have a blog with a widely appealing topic fail terribly just because of shoddy writing. Look through successful blogs and take note of their writing style; draw inspiration from blogger that you admire and try to develop your own style. Establish your own voice in your blog, but make sure that that voice is articulate, informed, and appealing.