If you got questions like these in your mind, here are some of the most useful online tools to help you know each and every detail of any website on the planet.
world. Unlike other online ping services that run from one location, Just-Ping.com runs the ping command on your website from 26 different locations spread across the globe so you have a better idea about your site availability in different regions.
They even have a checkpoint in Shanghai so you can easily find out if some particular website is blocked in China or not.
The problem with most whois services on the web is that they are tied to particular domain registrars. So if a website is registered with Network Solutions, you cannot find the ownership details of that site by doing a whois query on say Tucows or GoDaddy.
WhoIsTheOwner is different because it queries the whois database of all popular domain registrars. Extremely useful when sites steal your content and you want to send a warning email to the owner.
This is useful information because sometimes one bad site can impact all the neighbours. You may then request your web hosting company to move your site to a different web server.
Trivia: These alternate Google domains were determined with the help of YouGetSignal.com.
You need contact information of the web hosting provider for writing a DMCA Notice or if you are looking to switch web hosts.
Type the web address of any web page and Social meter will show you the exact number of times that page has been digged, bookmarked or saved on various social websites.
Related: How to Completely Test Any Website
For answers to all these questions, refer to BuiltWith - a website profiling service that tells you about all the technologies used in creating a website.