Among the tips to optimize Google Adsense, there are known rules and some of which are summarized in this article on the development of Adsense.
After much research to find out what I was doing more to optimize the advertising blocks and improve click through rate, I naturally turned to the "advice" of Adsense site itself, something I'll have to do for a long time already. And I am indeed stumbled upon a small tip (which will not be the last I think, if we take the time to read this list of tips) which allows you to increase the relevance of the ads that appear on the screen.
The principle is simple. Often, the ads that appear on a web page are not truly in line with the contents of your site. All this because the ads to display, the system scans the content of your page and removes certain keywords that target as a benchmark to display advertisements. And it often happens that a web page between the menu items, and all other content on the page, advertising that appears does ultimately more central theme of the page (eg article ), but a secondary element, which greatly reduces the relevance of the pub, and minimizes chances of it being clicked.
This problem is not new and many webmasters observe regularly on their site. But looking around, so I noticed that Google Adsense offers on each page to indicate which part of the content must be considered for the display of advertisements. The principle is simple. You place comment tags in the source code between the important content of a page (the section of the page for example), so is Google Adsense will display advertising based on that content, not the rest of the page.
The comment tags are:
<! - Google_ad_section_start ->
<! - Google_ad_section_end ->
For those with a type of CMS Wordpress or Joomla, handling is quite simple as simply finding the file that allows the display of items and place the comment tags in the right places, and voila .
Side result, it does not double the click rate, but it improves significantly, since the ads that appear are almost always relevant (which was not the case before), and inevitably, the rate of click suffers. I invite you to try this little manipulation and future leave a comment to see if it worked well for you.