1. The First Comment
This kind of comment absolutely get attention from the blog's owner itself, especially when they moderate all of the comments, just like me moderate your comment. And this kind of comment should get attention from readers who like to leave a comment, because this comment is at the first place, so they must read it, or at least see it.
2. The Long (or Longest) Comment
If this kind of comment combined with the number 1, it will be absolutely perfect because there is no reason for readers to not see it. Maybe they wouldn't read this comment, but at least they will remember you as a smart and critical person. As you know, creating a long but stay-on-the-topic comment is kinda hard, and you should appreciate this kind of comment.
3. The Asking Comment (The comment with question)
If you have a question about a blog post, then just ask it at the comment section. I was left a comment like this, and I got backlink from the blog because in the next post my question was showed up and the author gives me a backlink. They do this because question is one of the blog post ideas generator.
4. The Unique Comment
Take a look at the screenshot below.
The picture of the bear was made of symbols, funny, isn't it? This kind of comment will be more attract attention of you left it in the right blog, such as diary blog or gallery blog. I suggest you to not to leave this kind of comment in a serious blog, like forex blog. Credit goes to Remba, the owner of the comment.
5. The Comment that Gives Critics
Also, this kind of comment will get extra attention from the blog's owner itself, just like number 2, but with more attention. This kind of comment is good for your friendship with the blog's owner because critics or feedback is needed to make the blog better. Yes, I need your feedback too, so leave a comment here!