Real Madrid and the number 13 according to the Spanish newspaper "Marca" Unlucky number 13 for Real Madrid

Some consider the number 13 to be so dismal that many people avoid eating at a table with 13 people or go down in a hotel room with the number 13, and it seems that the curse of the latter has settled in Real Madrid.
According to the Spanish newspaper "Marca" that the riyal suffered a catastrophic decline in its results, since the end of last season, the title of the Champions League for the third time in a row, and the 13th in history.

The beginning of the crisis Ronaldo's statement
Immediately after the victory of the Real in the Champions League, the Portuguese striker Cristiano Ronaldo hinted at the possibility of leaving the Meringhi, which happened during the summer transfer period, when the "Madeira" missile landed in Italy, Juventus.
Zidane's sudden resignation
A few days before Ronaldo's departure, coach Zinedine Zidane, the legendary trophy maker of the Champions League and the 13th-ear trophy, ended his career with the Royal Club.
Unfinished deals
Just before the start of the current season, everyone waited for a resounding deal for Real Madrid to compensate for Ronaldo's departure, but nothing like that happened. The club failed to reach an agreement with a group of stars, notably French jeweler Kélien Mbabé, , With the exception of Belgium goalkeeper Thibaud Courtois, who is considered one of the best guards in the world at the moment.
A triumphant march stopped before it began
Many people were pleased with the performance of the Real at the start of the season, after a strong start with three victories in the Liga, but the team quickly regressed in a disastrous and incomprehensible way with successive rounds and matches. The Real appeared to be missing something, Zidane, maybe luck and good luck.
The curse of the 13th star is continuous
The 13-year-old Champions League title is still on the way, and the club suffered a humiliating loss to their traditional rivals Barcelona (1-5), which led to the dismissal of coach Julien Lobetigi, just 126 days after taking office.
Clone Zidane's experience out of the crisis
After the dismissal of Lopetti, Real preferred the appointment of coach CASTIA as Argentinian Santiago Solari as a technical director, in a move that the club might seek to clone his experience with his former coach Zidane, who had unrivaled successes with the "Lucas Blancos" After serving time at the helm of Castilla.