Except Adam, peace be upon him .. "Genghis Khan" the largest descendants known history

The Mongol leader Genghis Khan is one of the most famous tyrants in history, but did you know that today there are about 175 million people around the world descended from his descendants directly?
According to Qallwdall, several years ago, when a group of geneticists studied the genetic history of some Asians, which linked the presence of a transient variant of Y chromosome to the degree that made it seem like a strange phenomenon, it became more exotic with the combination of this strange version of the chromosome responsible for The birth of males in about 8% of the population of about 16 races in Asia.
Genghis Khan's offspring
With the study of genetic strands, I found out that the 8% of the 16 races, which account for 0.5% of the world's males today, are all descendants of one man, Genghis Khan, who once ruled China, Mongolia, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan Russia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq. 
Several historians confirm that Genghis Khan exploited the monstrous power of Mughal rule to rape several women to produce large numbers of males who spread to many countries to maintain his lineage. This distinct gene of Y chromosome appears to exist abundantly in the famous leader, His sons are also of the same size. His son Toshi is said to have had 40 sons, which explains the extent of the matter among his descendants.
It is known that the Mongol Empire was very cruel, they massacred the men of the kingdoms they occupy, and they take the women to become according to Genghis Khan, the most powerful ruler of his time, and under the rule of his reign which was born to bring about this phenomenon, which was impossible to be done randomly or through But it came with his killing of all the males outside his lineage, and under the care of each of his followers. 
In the end, with the exception of Adam, peace be upon him, the Genghis Khan strain appears to be the largest offspring proven by science and analysis of nucleic acids.