OneCoin will not go public on October 8th, delayed indefinitely into 2019

Image associéeAt a OneCoin event held in Argentina, Konstanin Ignatov has confirmed OneCoin will not be going public on October 8th.
After playing heavily to the South American crowd and acknowledging “worried faces”, Konstantin (right) pitches attendees on the Global Leadership Group.
Following OneCoin’s ROI withdrawals collapsed in early 2017, pretty much every top investor abandoned the company as commissions dried up.

OneCoin created the GLG as an attempt to provide otherwise unknown investors a sense of inflated relevance within the company.

And it is perhaps not a coincidence that OneCoin chose Argentina to make their latest pitch in.
Following a period of prolonged drought and economic uncertainty, Argentina is reported to be on the brink of recession.
Or in other words, the perfect breeding ground for fraudulent economic prosperity Ponzi schemes like OneCoin market.
OneCoin investment across Asia plummeted amid ongoing investigations. The invewhich saw Chinese authorities arrest over a hundred local OneCoin investors.
OneCoin investment in Europe died following the 2017 withdrawal suspension, with top investors moving onto younger Ponzi clone scams.
There is also an ongoing German regulatory investigation into the company.
OneCoin activity in South America has yet to take off, although Argentina has emerged as the fifth largest source of traffic to the OneLife website.
After the lengthy GLG pitch, Ignatov (right) pleads with the audience to “wake up” before moving onto DealShaker.
Seeing as adoption of DealShaker has hit a brick wall until OneCoin goes public, Ignatov didn’t have anything particularly important to discuss.
That didn’t however stop him from revealing a pointless social network, auctions and “properly working search functionality”, to be baked into DealShaker at some point.
Great for the handful of people still buying knockoff goods from Chinese DealShaker sellers, I guess.
After pitching OneForex as the solution to the “next financial crisis”, Ignatov introduced some legal courses OneCoin will be flogging for over two thousand euro.
Reiterating claims he’s made earlier, Ignatov maintained German investigators have “found nothing wrong” with OneLife.

Ignatov also states an “IT team” confirmed OneCoin had “all the characteristics” of a blockchain.
No evidence, other than a document prepared by OneCoin, was provided to support Ignatov’s claims.
Finally, the news that OneCoin will not being going public this year.
This begins with the announcement of a “coin offering”, which appears to be a reboot of the failed Golden Gate Investments debacle from last year.
Rather than just actually going public, OneCoin will attempt to steal even more money from investors through “OFC bundles”.
OFC bundles will be offered over four stages, starting September 8th 2018.
Rather than a publicly tradeable cryptocurrency however, OFC bundles are tied to OFC points.
OFC points are yet another layer of virtual points within OneCoin.
The fourth OFC bundle period ends on January 7th, 2019. And that’s where Konstantin’s presentation comes to an end.
To recap, since 2014 OneCoin investors have been investing in OneCoin Ponzi points.
From September 8th, they’ll be asked for even more money to invest in OFC bundles.
OneCoin affiliates who invest in OFC bundles will receive OFC points. The relationship between OFC points and OneCoin points is unclear.
OFC bundles are being offered to affiliates until January 7th, 2019.
OneCoin won’t be going public on October 8th. The company has pushed back going public indefinitely into 2019.
Instead of investing in OneCoin points you can invest in OFC points from September 8th.
Beyond that… same old, same old.
Having spent and continuing to spend affiliate investment to fund the Ignatova family’s lavish lifestyle, Konstantin has bought OneCoin another three months (Oct 2018 to Jan 2019).
As we enter a fourth year of broken OneCoin promises, one truly wonders how much longer the charade will continue.
-------------------------------Source  BEHINDMLM.COM