A Guide To to Car Insurance

Whether you’re buying clothing or shopping for car insurance, you always want to get the best value for your money. So, what’s the secret to finding reliable, affordable car insurance?

Shop around for the best deal. Get several car insurance quotes from different insurance companies before you buy or renew your policy. Insurance companies vary, so you could get a better deal somewhere else.

Don’t be afraid to switch. You can switch insurance companies whenever you want, even if it’s in the middle of your car insurance policy term. If you find a better rate, switch and save.

There are three types of Car Insurance:

Third party, which covers your legal liability if you damage someone else’s physical property (walls, vehicles, gates etc.) due to a driving accident.

Third party, Fire and Theft offers third party cover and adds on two useful pieces of cover – fire damage to and theft of your car, including damage caused by a theft or attempted theft.

A fully comprehensive policy includes Third Party, Fire and Theft and in addition will pay for damage to your own vehicle in the event of an accident. There are many extras, too, for example it will also give you cover when you drive other people’s cars – useful if you borrow someone’s car and their insurance does not cover you.

The following factors affect what you pay for your premiums.

Your age, your job, your driving record.

The car you drive. The higher the value of the vehicle, the higher the premium. High performance vehicles are also more expensive to insure than their stock standard equivalents.

Then there’s the location of the car. You’ll pay more if you keep the car in a high-crime area or park it on the street at night.

What you use the car for. You’ll pay more if, for example, you plan to use the car for business delivery purposes.

Then there is the excess structure that you choose. The higher the excess the lower the premiums.

Gear Locks, Satellite Tracking – will help reduce your premiums

If you are buying a new car ? Don’t forget to shop around for Insurance!

For a first-time car buyer, the process can be a difficult decision. Many buyers are not aware of the fact that they need to have insurance before driving their new car off the showroom floor. The financial institutions providing the finance for the purchase will insist on this, in order to ensure that their new asset is protected.

Don’t just accept the first offer that is given to you, get at least 3 quotes before making your decision. “Many banks or finance institutions are affiliated to an insurance company or brokerage firm. New buyers therefore may find themselves feeling pressurized to take insurance cover through the bank’s preferred supplier. It is important to know that this cannot be enforced and the decision lies with the client. This makes it essential to shop around for competitive quotes, to ensure that you are offered the best deal – from the perspective of both cover and price. For young drivers, this becomes imperative, as they are often penalized for their age and lack of driving experience, translating into higher premiums and excesses.”

Cash buyers are not exempt from the need to insure their new car. Thefts and hijackings are still a reality and the growing number of cars on the road puts all drivers at increased risk of being involved in an accident. Choosing an insurance product that is suitable in terms of budget, value adds, cover and excess payable is a careful decision that, with the right advice, can be made sensibly and safely.

Many young, first-time buyers find that purchasing insurance through a direct insurer is actually a simple process.
They are likely to receive a tailored insurance solution catering for their specific needs – with direct insurance, clients don’t pay any additional charges for getting what they want. Any driver about to embark on purchasing a new vehicle would do well to consider the time- and cost-saving benefits of direct insurance.”
8 Easy Routes to Cheaper Car Insurance

Car insurance is one of the most expensive costs involved in driving a car, and it’s not something you can avoid – a minimum level of insurance is required by law. That doesn’t mean you have to blindly pay whatever your insurer quotes though, as there are several simple things you can do to reduce the cost of your premiums.

1) Shop around and buy online: Figures show that many people simply renew their current policies without shopping around. The internet makes it easy to compare prices from different insurers, so why not take advantage of this? Plus, you’ll usually get a discount of 10% or more just for buying your policy online.

2) Policy type: do you really need a comprehensive policy with all the extras? Going for a third party fire & theft policy can reduce your premiums hugely, and is definitely worth considering if your car isn’t an expensive model.

3) No claims discounts: Nearly all policies feature a discount that increases for every year you don’t make a claim. The higher the discount available, the more you could save. Also look at insurers offering a ‘no claims bonus for life’ feature, where your current discount level can be fixed forever, even if you have to make a claim somewhere down the line.

4) Excess: The excess on a policy is the amount of a claim you have to pay before the insurer pays the rest. Choosing to have a higher than standard excess level will usually mean lower premiums.

5) Security: Fitting your vehicle with an alarm, immobiliser, or other security devices can lead to premium reductions. Parking you car off-road, for example on a driveway or in a garage, will also mean a cheaper policy.

6) Pay annually: Many insurers charge you interest for the privilege of paying in monthly installments. Pay annually if you can afford it to avoid this, or look for one of the companies who don’t charge extra for monthly payment.

7) Mileage: The more mileage you run up every year, the more your insurance will cost. Even if you can’t reduce your mileage, make sure you’re not overestimating how much you actually do drive, and give your insurer an accurate figure.

8) Drivers: The more drivers you have on your policy, the more it will cost. Reduce the number of people insured to drive your car to the minimum possible, and try to get the policy in the name of a driver with the lowest risk profile. For example, if a car is driven by both a man and a woman, insuring it in the woman’s name will often result in a cheaper quote.
10 Ways to Save Big on Auto Insurance

Auto insurance can make a big hole in your pocket. Insurance premiums vary hugely between companies, agencies or agents, brokers, and of course the make of the car you own and your credit rating. To pay lower insurance you must:

1. Always maintain a good driving record.

2. Never accept the first estimate you receive. Be wise and check comparisons of different insurance providers at your state insurance department website or phone them. Their addresses and contact numbers can be accessed from http://www.consumeraction.gov/insurance.shtml the consumer action website. Be sure to get competitive quotes from different insurance providers. Contact providers that are strongly recommended by people you know well. Keep your peace of mind by checking the financial stability of the companies with rating companies like A.M. Best (http://www.ambest.com/) as well as in forums and blogs.

3. Complete a market survey well before you select a car make and make a comparative table of insurance and other hidden costs. Find out which features increase insurance premiums and which ones reduce premiums. For example if parts of a certain make are hard to find or expensive such cars will have huge insurance premiums, similarly installation of anti-theft devices or an extra brake system lowers insurance premiums. Many questions are answered by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety at http://www.iihs.org/.

4. Choose to have higher deductibles this will reduce the burden by at least 15-25%. But look at your finances first and determine whether you can set aside US$ 200-US$1000 periodically to create an emergency vehicle fund.

5. Consider availing the insurance from the same company that has you covered for home, accident, or life. Many companies offer concessions to clients who have more than one kind of policy. Known as a multi-policy discount this could benefit you.

6. Most policies are based on your personal credit record. Having an unshakeable credit history can lower costs. Pay bills on time, don’t avail too many loans, and be sure that credit balances are as low as possible.

7. Avoid duplicating medical coverage. Find out whether eliminating medical cover in auto insurance will reduce your premiums or the personal injury protection costs. In some places the reduction is as much as 40%. So, if you have adequate health insurance you could weigh the pros and cons of eliminating this in auto insurance.

8. Find out if insurance premiums are dependant on where you stay. Sometimes staying in a rural community or suburbs as against the city center could save you a bundle.

9. Take advantages of discounts like low risk career, low mileage, taking public transport to work, car pooling, no violations or accidents, taking defensive driving courses, following safety rules and regulations, or having a child who studies far away.

10. Use the reductions offered for insuring more than one car belonging to the family. Many companies have special offers for corporate organizations, club members, professional groups, alumni groups, or clubs.

Make time to make a big saving. Check through all the parameters and mark areas where a saving can be made. The market is competitive and you can be the beneficiary.
7 Auto Insurance Tips

1> Raising your deductible
Deductible is the amount you pay from your pocket before making an insurance claim. The disadvantage of raising your claim is when you make a claim, you will pay more. However, if you are a safe driver, you will overtime save more money by raising your insurance deductible. Look at your previous insurance claim history and make a discreet decision for yourself.

2> Older Auto – Drop comprehensive / collision coverage.
If your car is not worth much, why pay for comprehensive and collision insurance coverage. You can visit a myriad of online sites to find true worth of your car. Additionally your insurance broker might be able to pull up the true worth of your vehicle.

3> Taking advantage of low mileage
Some auto insurance companies will give discounts if you drive less than a certain number of miles or drive less than a certain distance to work.

4> Moving – Consider insurance costs.
If you are considering moving, it will be a good idea to call your insurance agent and get his opinion on the insurance costs in the new city or state.

5> Low profile vehicle
Your vehicle will also determine your overall insurance costs. Some of the cars are favorite for thieves since they fetch a good price. Some cars are more expensive to repair. It makes a lot of sense to do adequate amount of research before you make your auto purchase.

6> Make sure your vehicle is correctly listed by your insurance agent.
Many manufacturers offer somewhat similar model names for vehicles but insurance costs may vary. Additionally 2 or 4 door or the wrong model can impact your auto insurance quote.

7> Have your insurance broker check other insurance company discounts.
A lot of companies will offer discounts if you and your spouse are insured with the same insurance company. Additionally, if you seek home insurance, life insurance, auto insurance from the same insurance company, you will get some discounts. Check with your insurance agent on saving money.
7 Good Reasons For Travel Insurance

For thousands of years, risks have been shared during times of tragedy. The first formal insurance company, Lloyd’s of London, was formed in 1769 and their principal concept remains today – to gather the premiums of clients as a pool of resources to return to clients who experience unexpected but covered events. So, that is the secret really, plan for the unexpected and make sure you’re covered, especially when you’re travelling. Whether your trip is a quick one or a round the world cruise, there are many good reasons for travel insurance. Here are just 7:

Medical Emergencies: If you fall sick or are injured during your travel, your travel insurance will give you financial coverage.

Flight Cancellations: If your flight is cancelled or delayed then your travel insurance should help. Depending on the cover available, a room for the night and even alternative travel home can be included.

Pre-existing Medical Conditions: Even if you have a pre-existing medical condition and it flares up while you’re on vacation, as long as you’ve advised your travel insurance company prior, you should be covered.

Damage or Loss Of Personal property – What are you going to do when your luggage gets stolen? Yes, it happens, all the time. There are organised gangs that work in airports doing just that. Guess what? You need travel insurance.

Loss of Cash or Traveller’s Cheques – You’re in a foreign country far from home. You either lose, or have stolen, your entire holiday fund. You’re going to need help and quick. Again, travel insurance is a must.

Emergency Evacuations – What with global warming and economic pressure more and more holiday destinations are being built in potentially dangerous territory. Who would have wanted to be in Thailand on that Boxing Day? Travel insurance will help if you have to get out quick.

Car Crash – It can be very difficult driving on the wrong side of the road in a strange country. Accidents happen.

Okay, there you have it. 7 good and solid reasons why you need travel insurance the next trip you make. The other alternative of course is to not take out travel insurance, or to stay at home. Now, there’s an idea. But seriously, as always when taking out insurance, especially travel insurance, read the fine print. Importantly, find out before you go what is excluded, not just included. So, always read the fine print. For example, accidental coverage is not provided in case of drunken driving, driving under the influence of narcotic substances etc. Exclusions are also provided for accidents during risky sports like bungee jumping, car racing, scuba diving, white water rafting, flying (except as passenger in regular airliners), gliding, skiing, bike racing, diving, mountaineering, windsurfing etc. The list goes on (insert for your favourite potentially dangerous sport here). That means in case of accidents in these situations the insurance company is not liable to pay any amount to the insured.