Documents and images confirm the Assad regime to commit war crimes in Syria
The news agency "Anatolia" Turkish, GOT in the scoop on 55 thousand images of 11 thousand victims, leaked from a breakaway military police of the Syrian regime, which was in charge of photographing detainees opponents, who were killed under torture, or left to die of starvation in the cellars of detention.
The most important men of law specialists to investigate war crimes, and forensic experts, awarded the title of "Cesar" for a military police of the Syrian regime, which has one of the most dangerous missions in history, in order to maintain security.
The "Cesar" in collaboration with his colleagues, to capture and document the 55 thousand files, describes an aspect of the crimes committed by the regime, during the civil war taking place in his country, and the transfer of "Cesar" who will be remembered named dramatically in the future as an eyewitness, to the Special Commission of Inquiry, all details he saw with his own eyes, did not explain in the inquiry any information about the eyewitness, named only the motor, and it is one of the elements of the Syrian military police.
"Caesar" served 13 years in the police force of Syrian military, the nature of his work is filmed the bodies of people who died in the accident cases and ordinary criminal, and sent to the judiciary, as it was one of the team members who come out to inspect the crime scene.
He explained, "Cesar" during his speech to the Committee, that his work after the outbreak of civil war, Syrian, is to take pictures of the detainees who have been killed, instead of photographing people who have died due to incidents of ordinary criminal, and that he was filming and documenting with his colleagues bodies of people who died in the prison system over the two years, and then they send those images to their superiors at work.
How is the systematic murder?
According to the report, the killing of opponents being detained, tortured different ways, in the Mukhabarat, or military buildings, and then their bodies were sent to a military hospital, while the "Cesar", take four or five pictures of the bodies, the presence of a doctor and a representative of the judiciary.
It was given to each person who kills a custody, two numbers, the first number is up to the department responsible for the victim, as of his arrest, and even to kill him, which means that intelligence alone was known to this figure, and the identity of the person, and he writes the number sometimes manually, on his body, or his forehead .
He was given a second number, upon the arrival of the body, the Military Hospital, for falsifying a document stating his death in the hospital, because of a "heart attack", or "respiratory failure", and was given a forged document to the families of the dead, when asked about the fate of their loved ones. (Photos of bodies was given to the Anatolian Agency, after covering the black strip numbers, to prevent blur, because they are considered very important evidence).
After taking pictures of before, "Cesar," and the preparation of false documents necessary, was transporting the bodies to a rural area is unknown, for burial.
"Cesar": "The place turned into a slaughterhouse"
Said Cesar, it's taking looks like a place that is in it, a "slaughterhouse", and took photographs of the bodies en masse, to prove it, and could not tolerate this any longer and began giving images that pick them up, because of the deep concern he has as a result of what is going on, to someone he trusts.
After that, the "Cesar" the transfer of these images out of Syria, through one of his relatives in the ranks of the opposition, which has a relationship with the international human rights organizations. The images have been transferred out of the country, on a regular basis, starting in September 2011.
A commission of inquiry is very important
Initiative of human rights defenders of the Syrian opposition, formed a special commission of inquiry, through the Office of my rights in London called "Carter-Ruck and Co."
Members of the Committee:
A number of lawyers and international experts, commissioned by the United Nations missions in the previous cases, the Commission of Inquiry on war crimes committed in Syria.
Sir, "Desmond de Silva," one of the advisers Britain's Queen, "Elizabeth II", presides over the committee that has been able to hold a meeting with the element of Syrian military police after fleeing from Syria, and the item was able to capture 55 A picture of the bodies of 11 thousand people, were died under torture in detention centers after the outbreak of the war in Syria.
"De Silva," a famous lawyer of the assets of Sri Lanka, and appointed former Secretary-General of the United Nations, "Kofi Annan," the 2002 vice-year-old at the Special Court, which was established to investigate war crimes in Sierra Leone. And contributed to "de Silva" in the arrest of former Liberian president, "Charles Taylor", which convicted him of the International Criminal Court in The Hague in 2011 for war crimes.
, Professor, "Geoffrey Nice," another adviser to the Queen, "Elizabeth II", participates in the membership of the committee. Work in the International Criminal Court, which was established to investigate crimes committed in the former Yugoslavia, and served as Deputy Attorney General in the case, which was prosecuted by the former Yugoslav president, "Slobodan Milosevic." Co-prosecutor in the trial, "Dario Kordic," a Bosnian Croat and president of the Croatian Defence Council, and "Goran Ilessch", Bosnian Serbs and is known as the "Serb Adolf".
Professor "David M.. Crane", another member of the committee to investigate war crimes in Syria. Filled "Crane" as the first prosecutor in the wisdom war crimes in Sierra Leone, he was appointed by former Secretary-General of the United Nations, "Kofi Annan". Prepared the indictment against the former Liberian president, "Charles Taylor", after receiving the job from his predecessor, "de Silva."
Founded the "Crane" organization "Impunity Watch" for the dissemination of human rights violations in the world, and made the information in the Foreign Relations Committee in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2013, on the establishment of the war crimes tribunal in Syria.
Forensic experts
Participates in a team of forensic medicine, who investigated the images of torture and executions, in Syrian detention centers, each of Dr "Stuart Hamilton," one of the doctors Aladliyn in the British Home Office, and the Professor, "Susan Black", a doctor of anatomy at the University of Dundee, in addition to the expert forensic imaging, "Stephen Cole,"
- Moved the probe to a Middle Eastern country to exercise their work and began to audit the images were examined and some selected images at the center of "Acume Forensics" (Imaging Center Adli) where health center confirmed.
After a period, and after that became his life-threatening, was directed by "Cesar" and his family from Syria, in a confidential manner and on 12, 13 and 18 / January 2014, the "Caesar" his testimony to the inquiry and answered all the questions addressed to him, has recorded the Committee, in its report, that "Cesar," a witness was credible and impartial and objective.
It was remarkable confession "Cesar" honestly and without exaggeration that he did not witness any executions or torture, but it was only captures pictures of the dead.
Ways systematic murder
Examined the Commission of Inquiry into war crimes in Syria images, and that they relate to, and identified methods of murder. There are 55 thousand photographs dating back to about 11 thousand people. It was observed that most of the dead were men, aged between 20 and 40 years. As it turns out that all of them were killed while in detention.
Killed most of the victims strangled using a rope or wire or belt-like compounds Bcior grooved, used in some cars.Photographed the bodies and objects mentioned exist on their necks. Also used the method of strangulation hands instead of the death penalty.
Observed on most of the bodies showed signs of torture can be shown through being hit hull-like iron bars. Proved that all the bodies were reliable hands.
Seen on the bodies change in color and disintegration and decomposition in the tissues caused by hunger and torture, was also noted that more than half of the bodies scrawny severe degree. The report pointed out that Morse starvation as a means of torture. It also observed the effects of torture on the bodies that have become more like a bony structures because of hunger.
And seen on some of the bodies wounds caused by electrocution. Photographed the bodies lying on the ground which, mostly naked or with minimal clothing.
The decision of the investigating team
The result stated in the report of the Department of Special Investigation Commission detailed the following:
"The investigation team concluded, in light of the material tested, the conviction that there is overwhelming evidence, can be accepted by court order, to exercise elements of the Syrian government against the systematic torture and killing of detainees.
This evidence would support the evidence of the commission of the current Syrian regime of crimes against humanity, and at the same time supports the evidence of war crimes. "
* Anatolia news agency