Tour de France --General individual classification: Step 19

A great race, outstanding feature. The Tour de France soars, this Saturday, for three weeks, hopefully panting. To live well and follow this 98 th edition of the Great Loop, Stéphane Goubert has agreed to Cyclism'Actu, to play the game of the "eye of the expert." At the heart of the Tour, as ambassador of the Carrefour, partner polka dot jersey of best climber in the Tour, but also, since this year, a consultant on Eurosport, "Gouby" former rider for 10 Tour de France in its career, we offer his analysis of the test. His first column, a complete deciphering what to expect on these three weeks. For Goubert, "Andy Schleck will win the Tour." Explanations.

Stephane Goubert, our expert, decrypts the Tour

Stage 1 - Passage du Gois - Mountains Alouettes (191.5 km)

"We'll have a nice first step input with the arrival on the Mont des Alouettes. Nevertheless, one should not expect to have differences. It is a beautiful finish for punchers who should agree perfectly, and return to Philippe Gilbert. The Belgian returns to the Tour after several years of stalemate. Several steps could suit him and win a few, beginning with the first. Gilbert's yellow jersey dream and it will, perhaps, his only opportunity to wear it. The next day, Sunday, there is the race against the team time trial and Omega Pharma to lose much time. Gilbert will be extremely motivated, this Saturday. We have seen since the beginning of the season, he was very strong. It has just been crowned champion of Belgium and, honestly, I do not see how it could escape. Be careful though, there are other punchers on the Tour who have their word to say. Even a sprinter like Thor Hushovd, can play his card. The final is not so steep and it may well compete with Thor a Philippe Gilbert. Norwegian wins every year, his step. We must not forget that he has the shirt rainbow sky on his shoulders and leaves a good Tour de Suisse. Hushovd will therefore want to do this shining world champion's jersey on the road. Recall, also, that the Tour de France is the most beautiful and toughest race in the world. Not, by his journey that is less difficult than the Giro, but by its board and the fitness of the riders. The first day, there will be no surprise. All teams are well organized. All riders are fresh. I do not see how one could catch the breakaway pack. We must know, the early stages of the Tour are always very nervous and often lead to falls can be quite severe. It even happens that get trapped favorites. This will require leaders to be very vigilant. "

Team time trial - The Essarts - The Essarts (23 km)

"The race against the team time trial is the first big event of the 2011 Tour. Leopard-Trek should start from that lap, threatening Contador, trying to take her time wherever they have the opportunity. We all saw how Alberto Contador dominated the Giro. It will not take that Leopard Trek misses this step and this team time. This is a first opportunity to take time to Spanish. So if want Schleck win the Tour, they will seize this opportunity. It will, moreover, the first key to this Tour de France. Leopard-Trek will happen to her to take time to Saxo Bank? And if so, how many seconds or even minutes? The Luxembourg team will do everything to win this lap and take, so, automatically time to Alberto Contador. We must not forget that this race against the team time trial is short, with only 23 kilometers. He will consecrate a really big team wheeler.

So we'll have to go very fast. And in this game there must be also careful to HTC and Garmin-Cervélo. These are real teams of specialists chrono. As for Rabobank, we do not often quote for this step, but they have good riders. I see the Rabobank achieve a good performance. Most importantly, do not bury too fast Saxo Bank. It may well create the surprise. One thing is certain, this step will determine many things. It will, also, important for the further conduct of the first week. It will be very interesting to watch and scrutinize the overall standings on Sunday night. "

The first week

"The first stages of the Tour are not simple. Escapements have good shots to play. Moreover, we will soon arrive in the mountains, with the Massif Central. So if it's a leader who has the yellow jersey Sunday, he will surely not want to keep. There will be real opportunities for fighters to distinguish themselves from the first week that smiles, in general, and often, with sprinters.

On the sprints, it promises a good battle. There are beautiful people there too. We saw the Giro. Mark Cavendish has trouble on the first sprint. It's hard to train and guide her to find its footing in the sprint. But once he wins, this is the trigger for him and it's very hard to stop. His opponents will always be on top in the early days. The names and favorite sprints, there is always the same. Unsurprisingly, there Alessandro Petacchi, who won two last year. Andre Greipel involved, he, in his first Tour de France and will be a customer for Cavendish sacred, just as Farrar. The others, I see a little below. But, on the tour and especially in the sprints, anything is possible. But once the HTC is properly adjusted, and Cavendish is confident, they are almost unbeatable. For three years, nobody has really managed to cut them success in their tracks. "

The Massif Central with Super-Besse Sancy

"The Massif Central is, this year, the first mountains of the Tour. However, we should not expect a big fight between leaders. The Tour is long and hard stages in the Massif Central does not offer a field sufficiently demanding to see attacks. It will truly be an ideal for backpackers. The stage is reminiscent of Saint-Flour which saw the victory of Virenque in 2004. It was imposed solitary and had taken the yellow jersey. I see the same scenario. The two steps are favorable to our French. They then land that suits them very well. I think of David Moncoutie, Thomas Voeckler or our new champion of France, Sylvain Chavanel. As for Contador, that leaves a very demanding Giro, although I think he has recovered well, they'll want to up household. The third week is difficult. I think he would be delighted that the yellow jersey in leading a team who will take the weight of the race to defend it in the first two weeks. I do not see it as the Giro, banging his fist on the table in the early stages. I remember that Contador had let the jersey Nocentini in 2009, my leader, at the time, with AG2R, before continuing at the end of Tour. "

The Pyrenees with Luz-Ardiden and Plateau de Beille

"This is where the real fun begins. Ah, the Pyrenees. I'm not saying that before the race was irrelevant but with Luz-Ardiden and Plateau de Beille, we attack two roofs of the Tour de France. Besides, the Plateau de Beille is harder than Luz-Ardiden. The 14th step is for me the most beautiful in the Pyrenees and that brings back good memories. If it's hot that day, the riders will have a hard time breathing in the last climb. You can really create beautiful variations on arrival. Especially since the next day, the Pyrenees will be finished. In the Pyrenees, we can no longer hide. Winning at Plateau de Beille is a prestigious victory, and above all is to be remembered for his opponents. Even if this year is that the Alps are in the spotlight. But let's not forget the Pyrenees are demanding and there are ways to easily take 20 to 30 seconds in steps. "

The Alps and the 100 years of Galibier

"The Alps are very difficult, besides being placed in the third week. Indeed, this may surprise, but to me, step to create the most favorable variations is that of Alpe d'Huez. The stage is very short, 109 km. And if the fire input, it can really hurt. We will then end of the Tour. Organizations will be well underway and some runners are long on startup. They need a hundred kilometers to start to get better and find a good feeling. There, after 100 kilometers, it will already be in the climb to Alpe d'Huez! Dangerous if riders attacked on the first pass, you may be surprised, failure, and therefore differences. Teams will set an aggressive strategy to start of this stage. "

The last lap - Grenoble - Grenoble (42.5 miles)

"The penultimate day, we find the traditional" famous "-against the individual time trial. This is certainly the same lap at Dauphine. But apart from the course, nothing compares. The Dauphiné, there were also differences of beautiful but it is not said that the same is true here. It can, of course, change the general if the differences are small. But, given its difficulty and is placed at the end of the Tour, it will not disadvantage the climbers that much. In the end Tour is the freshness that prevails and there are often at the forefront of the first overall. To be really sure Paris rally in yellow, should Andy Schleck is 2 minutes behind Contador. But we must remember, also, that last year in the last lap, it rivaled long, with the yellow jersey on his back. It can therefore achieve a feat with only 30 seconds ahead at the start of the stage. Anyway, for Schleck, it will not be against this, the individual time trial the hardest step. It will be much earlier. Because it will take for them to conquer the yellow jersey. And for this it will have to be their best Alberto Contador. There are many mountains and only one individual time trial, the differences are therefore likely to be consistent at the start of the penultimate stage of the Tour. And this may ultimately not change much. This is, clearly, a Tour for climbers. "

Can you beat Alberto Contador?

"I think the only one capable of beating Alberto Contador is Andy Schleck. It is fresh. We did not see much this year, unlike Contador. We saw last year, it was almost level with the Spaniard and he could beat him. This has not played much. No matter how long it will take Andy Schleck attacked. He must attack Contador far and not wait until the last kilometer as it did last year, in Morzine. Andy on the 2010 Tour has also lost rapidly Frank, his brother, which is an important ally for him physically and mentally. If his brother, Frank, was at his side throughout the race, we can see a totally different scenario. I think Andy Schleck has the means to impose. Its preparation should probably be optimal since it is the Tour, certainly more than Contador.

Now is it that will do enough to beat Contador? It is not clear. It is said that Leopard-Trek has the best team on the Tour. I feel really good the Saxo-Bank. Runners-Saxo Bank had made a great job on the sacred Giro. And, for me, they will, no doubt, even stronger on the Tour. "

The French in contention

"The French have, also, good shots to play in the overall standings. At Ag2r, Jean-Christophe Peraud was very well prepared. I know it and I tell you. Although this will be his first Tour, Péraud can hope to return to Paris in 10. It was full of riders who can be placed in general: Jerome Coppel, Sylvain Chavanel and David Moncoutie. It is a pity that Blel Kadri was injured at the Dauphiné. Without that, I'm sure he would have been the revelation of this Tour de France. Many wonder what state will be John Gadret. Has he recovered from his fourth place in the Giro? I think it will be in good condition. John is not going to start it does not feel capable of doing something. It will not work but the general, rather, for its leaders. But if Gadret will have the opportunity to shine on some steps and why not win one, the Plateau de Beille, for example! "


"For me, Alberto and Andy stand out quite clearly. In third place on the podium, I would Cadel Evans. Everyone cites winner Alberto Contador. So, for the suspense, I'll take a risk by saying that Andy Schleck will be the winner of this Tour. He will have his team and himself are very offensive.

For the green jersey, I would give winner Philippe Gilbert. I like to take risks because even on a medium mountain stage, it can take points. After, I do not know if its goal is three weeks or if they focus exclusively on the first week, before starting the service team.

For the polka dot jersey of best climber, I could see Sylvain Chavanel. But there, with his blue jersey, white and red, it will be a bit more complicated. I will tell Thomas Voeckler.

For the jersey of best young rider, I see Gesink. But beware of the very young Van Garderen that may surprise many people.

Given the quality of the actual Leopard-Trek, I think it will be hard to stop them from winning the team classification.

To review the four key points of the Tour de France will be: against the clock in shifts, arrival at the Plateau de Beille, Alpe D'Huez and the individual time trial from Grenoble. It promises us a nice tour, no! See you soon then. "
Position No bib Name Country Team Schedule Deviation
A 101 Bradley Wiggins GBR SKY 84h26'31'' 00''
2 105 Christopher Froome GBR SKY 84h29'52'' 3'21''
3 051 Vincenzo Nibali ITA LIQ 84h32'50'' 6'19''
4 111 Jurgen van den Broeck BEL LTB 84h36'46'' 10'15''
5 009 Tejay Van Garderen USA BMC 84h37'35'' 11'04''
6 019 Haimar ZUBELDIA ESP RNT 84h42'14'' 15'43''
7 001 Cadel Evans AUS BMC 84h42'22'' 15'51''
8 029 Pierre ROLLAND FRA EUC 84h43'02'' 16'31''
9 181 Janez BRAJKOVIC SLO AST 84h43'09'' 16'38''
10 146 Thibaut Pinot FRA FDJ 84h43'48'' 17'17''
11 015 Andreas Klöden PRE RNT 84h44'25'' 17'54''
12 079 Nicolas ROCHE IRL ALM 84h46'04'' 19'33''
13 014 Christopher Horner USA RNT 84h46'26'' 19'55''
14 178 Chris Anker Sorensen DEN STB 84h51'58'' 25'27''
15 131 Denis MENCHOV RUS KAT 84h53'53'' 27'22''
16 016 Maxime Monfort BEL RNT 84h55'01'' 28'30''
17 035 Egoi Martinez ESP EUS 84h58'17'' 31'46''
18 163 Rui Alberto COSTA POR MOV 85h03'34'' 37'03''
19 139 Eduard Vorganov RUS KAT 85h04'47'' 38'16''
20 161 Alejandro Valverde ESP MOV 85h08'57'' 42'26''
21 091 Jerome COPPEL FRA UAA 85h12'14'' 45'43''
22 141 Sandy CASAR FRA FDJ 85h13'23'' 46'52''
23 108 Michael Rogers AUS SKY 85h21'23'' 54'52''
24 041 Michele SCARPONI ITA LAM 85h25'08'' 58'37''
25 052 Ivan Basso ITA LIQ 85h26'15'' 59'44''
26 021 Thomas VOECKLER FRA EUC 85h31'12'' 1h04'41''
27 199 Peter Velits SVK OPQ 85h31'41'' 1h05'10''
28 157 Laurens Ten Dam NED RAB 85h32'10'' 1h05'39''
29 119 Jelle VANENDERT BEL LTB 85h33'04'' 1h06'33''
30 162 Juan Jose COBO ACEBO ESP MOV 85h35'50'' 1h09'19''
31 189 Alexander VINOKOUROV KAZ AST 85h41'04'' 1h14'33''
32 191 Levi Leipheimer USA OPQ 85h43'00'' 1h16'29''
33 152 Steven Kruijswijk NED RAB 85h43'23'' 1h16'52''
34 107 Richie DOOR AUS SKY 85h47'20'' 1h20'49''
35 065 Daniel MARTIN IRL GRS 85h51'54'' 1h25'23''
36 081 Rein Taaramae IS COF 85h54'07'' 1h27'36''
37 132 Gianpaolo Caruso ITA KAT 85h55'03'' 1h28'32''
38 005 George HINCAPIE USA BMC 85h57'09'' 1h30'38''
39 034 Gorka IZAGUIRRE Insausti ESP EUS 85h58'15'' 1h31'44''
40 187 Fredrik KESSIAKOFF SWE AST 86h01'04'' 1h34'33''
41 128 Rafael Valls Ferri ESP VCD 86h04'12'' 1h37'41''
42 184 Andriy Grivko UKR AST 86h05'12'' 1h38'41''
43 057 Peter Sagan SVK LIQ 86h05'17'' 1h38'46''
44 071 Jean-Christophe Peraud FRA ALM 86h07'15'' 1h40'44''
45 006 Amaël MOINARD FRA BMC 86h07'31'' 1h41'00''
46 004 Philippe GILBERT BEL BMC 86h08'11'' 1h41'40''
47 055 Dominik Nerz PRE LIQ 86h08'43'' 1h42'12''
48 142 Pierrick FEDRIGO FRA FDJ 86h09'10'' 1h42'39''
49 008 Michael SCHÄR SUI BMC 86h10'26'' 1h43'55''
50 177 Sergio Miguel Moreira PAULINHO POR STB 86h13'45'' 1h47'14''
51 138 Yury TROFIMOV RUS KAT 86h14'02'' 1h47'31''
52 018 Jens Voigt PRE RNT 86h17'12'' 1h50'41''
53 166 Vladimir KARPETS RUS MOV 86h18'14'' 1h51'43''
54 095 Fabrice Jeandesboz FRA UAA 86h18'59'' 1h52'28''
55 072 Maxime Bouet FRA ALM 86h19'01'' 1h52'30''
56 102 Edvald Boasson Hagen NOR SKY 86h19'14'' 1h52'43''
57 123 Johnny Hoogerland NED VCD 86h22'01'' 1h55'30''
58 028 Davide Malacarne ITA EUC 86h23'41'' 1h57'10''
59 002 Marcus Burghardt PRE BMC 86h24'10'' 1h57'39''
60 068 Christian Vande Velde USA GRS 86h25'11'' 1h58'40''
61 024 Cyril GAUTIER FRA EUC 86h25'26'' 1h58'55''
62 073 Mikael CHEREL FRA ALM 86h26'24'' 1h59'53''
63 183 Dmitriy FOFONOV KAZ AST 86h30'26'' 2h03'55''
64 155 Luis-Leon Sanchez ESP RAB 86h31'39'' 2h05'08''
65 077 Sebastien MINARD FRA ALM 86h32'40'' 2h06'09''
66 148 Jeremy ROY FRA FDJ 86h36'13'' 2h09'42''
67 125 Marco MARCATO ITA VCD 86h38'12'' 2h11'41''
68 194 Dries Devenyns BEL OPQ 86h38'53'' 2h12'22''
69 048 Simone Stortoni ITA LAM 86h39'30'' 2h12'59''
70 193 DE Kevin WEERT BEL OPQ 86h40'20'' 2h13'49''
71 058 Sylvester Szmyd POL LIQ 86h42'30'' 2h15'59''
72 209 Pieter Weening NED OGE 86h44'01'' 2h17'30''
73 078 Christophe Riblon FRA ALM 86h44'02'' 2h17'31''
74 033 Jorge Azanza Soto ESP EUS 86h45'29'' 2h18'58''
75 097 William LEVARLET FRA UAA 86h46'14'' 2h19'43''
76 017 Yaroslav Popovych UKR RNT 86h48'11'' 2h21'40''
77 167 Vasili Kiryienka BLR MOV 86h48'38'' 2h22'07''
78 186 Andrey KASHECHKIN KAZ AST 86h49'45'' 2h23'14''
79 046 Marco Marzano ITA LAM 86h50'29'' 2h23'58''
80 201 Simon Gerrans AUS OGE 86h51'06'' 2h24'35''
81 115 Adam Hansen AUS LTB 86h51'25'' 2h24'54''
82 027 Christophe Kern FRA EUC 86h52'28'' 2h25'57''
83 106 Christian KNEES PRE SKY 86h52'45'' 2h26'14''
84 022 Yukiya Arashiro JPN EUC 86h55'44'' 2h29'13''
85 144 Matthew LADAGNOUS FRA FDJ 86h59'45'' 2h33'14''
86 043 Danilo Hondo PRE LAM 87h04'26'' 2h37'55''
87 036 Ruben Perez Moreno ESP EUS 87h04'32'' 2h38'01''
88 094 Brice FEILLU FRA UAA 87h05'45'' 2h39'14''
89 076 Blel Kadri FRA ALM 87h07'10'' 2h40'39''
90 198 Martin Velits SVK OPQ 87h07'18'' 2h40'47''
91 089 Roman Zingle BEL COF 87h07'40'' 2h41'09''
92 175 Michael Morkov DEN STB 87h12'10'' 2h45'39''
93 099 Julien SIMON FRA UAA 87h12'40'' 2h46'09''
94 003 Stephen Cummings GBR BMC 87h12'59'' 2h46'28''
95 149 Arthur Vichot FRA FDJ 87h13'22'' 2h46'51''
96 112 Lars BAK DEN LTB 87h14'01'' 2h47'30''
97 208 Stuart Ogrady AUS OGE 87h16'14'' 2h49'43''
98 054 Kristijan KOREN SLO LIQ 87h17'49'' 2h51'18''
99 179 Nicki Sorensen DEN STB 87h19'07'' 2h52'36''
100 069 David ZABRISKIE USA GRS 87h19'09'' 2h52'38''
101 113 Francis De Greef BEL LTB 87h19'48'' 2h53'17''
102 168 Ruben PLAZA MOLINA ESP MOV 87h20'06'' 2h53'35''
103 213 Koen de Kort NED ARG 87h20'53'' 2h54'22''
104 066 David Millar GBR GRS 87h21'26'' 2h54'55''
105 056 Daniel OSS ITA LIQ 87h21'35'' 2h55'04''
106 117 Jurgen Roelandts BEL LTB 87h21'35'' 2h55'04''
107 083 Samuel Dumoulin FRA COF 87h22'38'' 2h56'07''
108 007 Manual QUINZIATO ITA BMC 87h22'58'' 2h56'27''
109 137 Luca Paolini ITA KAT 87h23'01'' 2h56'30''
110 202 Michael ALBASINI SUI OGE 87h23'31'' 2h57'00''
111 205 Daryl Impey RSA OGE 87h24'00'' 2h57'29''
112 217 Matthew SPRICK FRA ARG 87h24'11'' 2h57'40''
113 197 Jerome Pineau FRA OPQ 87h24'29'' 2h57'58''
114 053 Federico Canuti ITA LIQ 87h24'43'' 2h58'12''
115 122 Kris Boeckmans BEL VCD 87h29'37'' 3h03'06''
116 185 Maxim IGLINSKIY KAZ AST 87h30'14'' 3h03'43''
117 203 Baden Cooke AUS OGE 87h30'45'' 3h04'14''
118 059 Alessandro VANOTTI ITA LIQ 87h30'54'' 3h04'23''
119 135 Joan Horrach ESP KAT 87h32'29'' 3h05'58''
120 204 Matthew Harley Goss AUS OGE 87h33'35'' 3h07'04''
121 176 Nick NUYENS BEL STB 87h34'25'' 3h07'54''
122 075 Sebastien HINAULT FRA ALM 87h35'37'' 3h09'06''
123 114 Andre GREIPEL PRE LTB 87h35'42'' 3h09'11''
124 195 Bert Grabsch PRE OPQ 87h39'37'' 3h13'06''
125 116 Gregory Henderson NZL LTB 87h39'46'' 3h13'15''
126 147 Anthony Roux FRA FDJ 87h41'54'' 3h15'23''
127 084 Nicolas EDET FRA COF 87h43'12'' 3h16'41''
128 098 Jean Marc MARINO FRA UAA 87h43'36'' 3h17'05''
129 174 Anders Lund DEN STB 87h43'38'' 3h17'07''
130 182 Borut BOZIC SLO AST 87h44'24'' 3h17'53''
131 087 Luis Angel MATE MARDONES ESP COF 87h44'42'' 3h18'11''
132 118 Marcel Sieberg PRE LTB 87h46'09'' 3h19'38''
133 145 Cedric Pineau FRA FDJ 87h46'55'' 3h20'24''
134 038 Pablo Perez URTASUN ESP EUS 87h48'05'' 3h21'34''
135 212 Roy Curvers NED ARG 87h50'15'' 3h23'44''
136 096 Cyril LEMOINE FRA UAA 87h50'26'' 3h23'55''
137 171 Jonathan CANTWELL AUS STB 87h51'44'' 3h25'13''
138 216 Yann Huguet FRA ARG 87h52'26'' 3h25'55''
139 025 Yohann Gene FRA EUC 87h53'38'' 3h27'07''
140 215 Patrick GRETSCH PRE ARG 87h53'45'' 3h27'14''
141 172 Juan Jose Haedo ARG STB 87h54'08'' 3h27'37''
142 173 Karsten KROON NED STB 87h54'39'' 3h28'08''
143 103 Mark CAVENDISH GBR SKY 87h55'16'' 3h28'45''
144 156 Bram Tankink NED RAB 87h57'20'' 3h30'49''
145 104 Bernhard Eisel TUE SKY 88h03'26'' 3h36'55''
146 136 Aliaksandr Kuchynski BLR KAT 88h04'20'' 3h37'49''
147 067 Johan Van Summeren BEL GRS 88h06'32'' 3h40'01''
148 218 Albert Timmer NED ARG 88h06'39'' 3h40'08''
149 085 Julien Fouchard FRA COF 88h09'02'' 3h42'31''
150 207 Sebastian LANGEVELD NED OGE 88h15'55'' 3h49'24''
151 063 Tyler Farrar USA GRS 88h21'25'' 3h54'54''
152 086 January Ghyselinck BEL COF 88h23'35'' 3h57'04''
153 093 Jimmy Engoulvent FRA UAA 88h24'16'' 3h57'45''