8 Great Twitter Tools That Will Get You Tweeting Like A Pro

8 Great Twitter Tools That Will Get You Tweeting Like A ProThe reasons to join Twitter are plentiful. In fact, Jeff recently wrote a wonderful post on why it is often misunderstood and people aren’t jumping onto it earlier.
The experiences I have had with Twitter were amazing and it was by far the most valuable Social Network for me to use.
What I like best about Twitter is it’s open structure, not only for users, but also for developers. It has grown to an ecosystem of over 1.5 million Apps and continues to register a new Tool every second. With this massive amount of Apps it can often be quite overwhelming to know which Tools to use.
Here are the tools I use daily to make me more efficient and get you Tweeting like a Pro:

1. BufferTweet With Better Results

Whenever I am reading an article, I wasn’t quite sure, whether Tweeting it right now was a good idea. It might have been very early in the morning or late at night. By putting all Tweets I have into my Buffer, they will be posted for you at the optimal times, well spaced out over the day. You can add Tweets your Buffer right from the article with the browser extensions with just one click.
Pro Tip: What helps me a great deal is that Buffer provides me with analytics for each Tweet that I post. You will learn about the number of clicks, retweets and reach right inside the App.
8 Twitter Tools to Tweet like a Pro

2. TwylahGive Your Tweets A Longer Life

As a matter of fact, a Tweet’s life is only very limited. If you want to prolong its life, Twylah is a wonderful way to do it. The App automatically displays all Tweets from your stream on a beautiful Twitter Brand Page for you. It will give your followers a chance to learn about the topics you are Tweeting without having to study your Twitter stream beforehand.
Pro Tip: Twylah also offers you to send a “Power Tweet”, which will allow you to post a Tweet to a Twylah page. This page is surrounded by a lot of other relevant content and has shown to increase engagement with a Tweet considerably.
8 Twitter Tools to Tweet Like  Pro

3. MarketMeSuiteYour Powerful Social Media Dashboard

Only recently the paid only MarketMeSuite has opened up its service to be free for everyone. It boasts a ton of great features that make it well worth giving a go. You can create reply campaigns, pull in RSS feeds and compare the Klout score of the users you are interacting with you. On top, you can also collaborate with other’s through the App’s multiple user setting.
Pro Tip: What I like best about MarketMeSuite is that all its features are explained in comprehensible videos as soon as you sign up for it.
8 Twitter Tools to Tweet Like  Pro

4. TweriodFind Out Your Best Times To Tweet

Ever wondered which times of the day would be the best for you to Tweet? Look no further as Tweriod, as the App gives you a wonderful analysis of when you will be able to reach most followers. The App takes into account how well your Tweets have performed at various times and when your followers used to Tweet the most.
Pro Tip: What I like best about Tweriod is that the algorithm excludes Twitter Tools which schedule or auto-tweet as this obviously means your followers aren’t online.
8 Twitter Tools to Tweet Like  Pro

5. TwilertGoogle Alerts For Twitter

This is an App I suggest you might give a go if you are trying to monitor a brand or search term on Twitter continually. Similar to Google Alerts, Twilert can set up any term and then be notified about any activity on Twitter about it. This was particularly helpful if you can’t spend too much time on Twitter each day, yet need a daily digest email to be informed.
Pro Tip: If you give it a go, take a look at the great filtering options ranging from mood, languages and date filters.
8 Twitter Tools to Tweet Like  Pro

6. TweetWallyTurn Tweets Into Blogposts

Similar to an App called Storify, which Jeff has reviewed a few weeks back, TweetWally is a wonderful solution to bring life back to your Tweets. You can take your own stream, do a search or follow a hashtag and make beautiful collections of any Tweets you find valuable. This can be very useful if you are following an important event, conference or else.
Pro Tip: Once you have made your collection you can easily embed all Tweets as a blogpost and offer it as an innovative piece of content for your readers.
8 Twitter Tools to Tweet Like  Pro

7. ParrotFishGet More Insights Into Tweets On Twitter.com

ParrotFish from Embed.ly labs is a wonderful productivity tool to save you a lot of time. It displays all links from Tweets you come across with rich text preview. This means you can read up on the post from the link, before clicking through. I found this to be a great way to stay focused on reading news and not get distracted by clicking on posts which aren’t worth my time.
Pro Tip: The Chrome Extension also comes with a functionality to save items to Instapaper directly from Twitter.com, this was a huge efficiency boost for me.
8 Twitter Tools to Tweet Like  Pro

8. TweetLevelConnect with the right people on Twitter

Whilst building your network on Twitter, it is often key to make those people you engage with relevant and impactful for your niche. TweetLevel offers a wonderful solution to search other Twitter users by a number of different parameters. For example you can search by influence, trust, engagement or popularity. It then makes it very easy for you to follow and start talking to these people right from the App.
Pro Tip: On top of users, you can also search by topics and key words. This will give you a wonderful display of graphs and pie charts around this topic.
8 Twitter Tools to Tweet Like a Pro
These are the top 8 Tools that help me the most to put Twitter to work for me. They all allow me to do things faster and more efficiently, yet they still require me to be active and not on auto-pilot.
Over to you now. Do you think these Apps can help you to improve your Tweeting too?
Author: Leo Widrich Co-Founder Buffer