5 Reasons Images are King with Social Media Marketing

5 Reasons Images are King with Social Media MarketingIt’s a well-known fact that people are visual.
They like things that attract their eyes. Color, images, movement, all these things bring them in and make them stay and brings them back.
So why do so many business bloggers forget this little tidbit? Why are their sites filled with words and empty of color, photos or images?
Here are five reasons to add images to your blog, Facebook, and other social media accounts right now:

1. Drive Traffic from Pinterest

The new big thing in social media, Pinterest is all about the pictures. This growing monster is something all businesses should keep an eye on and utilize as soon as possible.
Everyone can see everything on Pinterest, which makes it ripe for the picking. All you need is one great image and people will come flocking, people will click on the link embedded in the image and end up at your website or blog.
Of course, the image will need something to back it up or it is sort of pointless, but still. The idea is there.

2. Generates Likes and Comments

Facebook likes and comments are great. They get attention, they add to each other, and they get the word out. The problem here is engagement. There is so much on Facebook, how do you stand out? Images. The perfect picture will make you pop, and is so much more viable than any blog link or status update. Try it. You’ll see.

3. Promotes Shares

Like comments and ‘likes’, shares are great. But they go one better, they get your name out there in a way that says ‘valid’. If you can get other businesses to back you up, then you’ve got it made. Even better, friends backing you up means that you are trusted, which means you’ll get more interest from customers.

4. Gets Attention

To simplify, pictures get attention and keep it. It takes only a split second to look at an image, versus a few to read a summary or small paragraph. Which one is more likely to get instantly ‘liked’? Yes, that’s right. Don’t make people think too long or hard at first. Get them in and then you can work on keeping them with content.

5. Improves Memory Muscle

Pictures stick out in your mind. It is just a fact.
You can read something and then never remember a single sentence. But if you see a great photo, you remember it. Make your business memorable with great images. No matter what your business is or your blog is on, images will only help you out. A person is smart, people are stupid. Cut them out of the crowd with pictures and then you can work on their higher thinking. Until then, attention is key. Grab them with a great image and then don’t let them go. How do you use images in your soci?