This post is about a Warrior Forum, Warrior Special Offer (WSO), that I laid my money down on a couple of weeks ago. The title of the WSO course is Juggernaut SEO which sort of intrigued me as a juggeranut is an unstoppable force, so just had to know more.
Unstoppable is the perfect word to describe this man, John S. Rhodes. Before this WSO I had never heard of him, better yet I am sure he never had heard of me, but I am here to tell you that I will never forget him and I have only been exposed to two of his classes to date.
Here’s the deal. These classes, each one of them could almost be described as a full college course, or at least a two day seminar. You better pee before you log in. Have your caffeine within your reach and get your pen and note pad in hand.
Once this guy starts there are no breaks and each single class has been about five hours each. If you ask me I would prefer to have twenty 1 hour classes because for me, who is a prime example of AADHD (and what IM’r isn’t?) I have to force myself to stay with him.
Sounds like an easy task but here is what happens. John will mention a topic or make a point and your mind races instantly to something you just did or something you have been planning to check in to and you want to scoot off page to go and make some magic happen from your fingertips.
Better not leave though, because the next best tip is in the following sentence. Holy cow, this man knows his stuff! Just as you are thinking, yeah, yeah, I know all that, he will hit you with a zinger that takes you right back to the Holy cow!
So far after 10 hours of instruction he is just about starting to get around to SEO. The first classes have been about getting your head screwed on right. You are going to learn things like, what makes people buy, how you should be hitting hot buttons with your offers, feeding their inner child, (and yours) and crap that you never ever knew related to SEO, but has absolutely EVERYTHING to do with SEO.
You are in this game for the money right? Well sticking up a website with some Adsense or an affiliate product on it will not make you rich. You MUST learn about the things that John teaches. Then you will start to “Get It.”
The world truly is your oyster. If you can not suffer through five hours at a sitting, no worries, each class is recorded fully in video, audio, and pdf, so you will have these gems to use forever.
I am sure that I could find an affiliate link somewhere but I am not going to use one. I urge ALL of my readers to take John’s Internet Marketing Juggenaut SEO course. Your life will be changed forever. By joining a little late you will not miss a thing because you will still get the complete program.
Oh, and he really does not flaunt the masters degrees, but I picked them off of one of his early sections “About me”. He is as down to earth as they come and you will benefit greatly with this course. Not sure what the price is right now, but it doesn’t matter this is one of those courses that REALLY IS worth thousands of dollars, not just some marketing BS.
On an unrelated topic, but one that I want my readers to know about, The University Kid, aka TUK, has a great blog in the mmo or IM field or as he calls it, How to Make Money at Home, and he is requesting guest posts for consideration to be published on his site.
Guest posts have some of the highest authority in the eyes of the search engines because they are considered peer blogs and you get to use your keyword anchor text as a link. It doesn’t get any better than that.