Here are top 10 reasons why self hosted wordpress blog is better than free blogs that are created on or any other free blog creation websites:
1. Full Control over your blog is owned by Google and they can delete your blog without any prior warning if some people report your blog as spam even if there is no spam element in your blog and the same thing applies to blogs that we create on I have seen this thing happening with lots of bloggers. So I would suggest you to go for self hosted WordPress blog where you will have your own domain name and thus full control over your blog.2. Adsense Approval
No doubt every blogger want to make money from their blogs. And when we think about making money with a blog, the first thing that came to our minds is that’s Google Adsense. These days, it becomes difficult to get an Adsense approved with free blogs created on Your chances of getting approval from Google Adsense are huge if you have your blog hosted on your own domain and have email associated with that domain.3. Blog Selling Options
You will be going against Blogger terms of service if you happen to sell your blogger blog. As per Blogger TOS:No Resale of the Service. Unless expressly authorized in writing by Google, you agree not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, trade, resell or exploit for any commercial purposes (a) any portion of the Service, (b) use of the Service, or (c) access to the Service.
But if you have a self hosted blog, you can sell it and by doing so, you will not be doing anything against Google policies.
4. Professional Approach towards Blogging
No doubt, blogger is still one of most used CMS with WordPress. Blogger is surely a bless if you are new to blogging and want to learn the basics about blogging and how to write content and post on blogs.But if you are aiming at doing blogging with a serious note, I would recommend going for self hosted wordpress blogs. With WordPress, you will have your own domain, full control over your website, content and can use lots of themes, plugins and tools available for wordpress blogs.
5. Guest Blogging Options
You cannot create authors, contributors or admin and give them some level of access or full access to your blogs. So guest blogging, multiple authors’ kind of facilities are not available on blogger blogs. But with wordpress, you can create users, authors and admin and give them specific permissions. I himself have been a guest writer on some of self hosted wordpress blogs where I have an account created. I simply go and submit my guest post for approval. Owner of the blog simply go through my guest posts and he decides whether to publish my guest posts on his blog or not. So guest blogging and lots of security options are available with self hosted wordpress blogs.6. Plugins and Gadgets
‘Plugins’ is also one of the biggest reasons why lots of bloggers are moving from blogger to wordpress. There are lots of plugins available for each task in wordpress that you image for your blog. In blogger, gadgets serve the same purpose what plugins does in WordPress. But there are very few gadgets available on blogger compared to huge list of plugins available on WordPress.7. Theme Options
There is a big collection of themes available on internet for WordPress blogs while there are very few templates (themes) available for blogger blogs. And some of blogger themes are originally converted from wordpress themes. You will not be doing any level of compromise while choosing a theme for your wordpress blog as there are themes available for every occasion, business with seo features, good navigation and lots of customization options. And if you want to design your blog as per your requirements, you can do so with Thesis Theme which will help you create an seo friendly theme for your self hosted wordpress blog.8. Better SEO
There is no doubt, ultimate target that every blogger has is lots of traffic on their blogs whether they are working on free blogger blogs or self hosted blogs. With Self hosted wordpress, there are lots of plugins available like All in One Seo, Automatic Google XML Sitemap generator, Seo Title Tags etc that makes optimizing a blog quite easily from search engines prospective.9. Your own domain and email address
When you choose a self hosted wordpress blog, you will have your own domain name and email address associated with that domain. Having a full domain is much better than working on a sub-domain on blogger or wordpress. And you will be leaving a positive image in peoples mind when you communicate with an email address associated with your own domain name.10. FTP account Facility
When you buy hosting for your wordpress blog, you will have dedicated FTP account associated with your blog that you can use for downloading and uploading purpose on your blog. And blogger is dropping FTP facilely from its blogger users.Moving to a self hosted wordpress blog will ask you for domain registration and web hosting cost. I would recommend you try Hostgator premium wordpress blog hosting for hosting your wordpress based blog.
Many of you might holds different views about blogger free blogs and self hosted wordpress blogs. Feel free to share your thoughts on these in the comments section.