As a blogger you need to update your site with interesting posts as well as you have to modify design . The design can be made more user friendly for that you can add widgets to your blog .
Blogger has introduced new widget which is Tag Cloud . I will guide you for installing new Tag cloud or label cloud widget for your site on blogspot. For Wordpress users the widget was released few years ago . But for a blogger user this is new . The old Label widget has been modified to show cloud like structure which is inspired from Wordpress.
The steps are .
1> Go to Blogger sign in there and open the Layout window in blogger.
2> In Page Element you will find certain section on with Add a Gadget is written . Click on it

After clicking on it this window will open and you will find these gadgets and one of these is Label . You have to click on the plus sign in blue besides it.
3> You will be redirected to gadgets properties . You can modify its name , and type.
You can customize the gadget to your simplicity as use . Show labels with posts frequency or show selected labels .

But most importantly select the cloud checkbox in Display field . This means you can have Labels in the form of cloud . This is not exactly like Wordpress Cloud widget but is somewere similar to it .

4> Save it and you are done . You can have a look at a similar gadget on my blog ( here itself check the section above footer )

Blogger has introduced new widget which is Tag Cloud . I will guide you for installing new Tag cloud or label cloud widget for your site on blogspot. For Wordpress users the widget was released few years ago . But for a blogger user this is new . The old Label widget has been modified to show cloud like structure which is inspired from Wordpress.
The steps are .
1> Go to Blogger sign in there and open the Layout window in blogger.
2> In Page Element you will find certain section on with Add a Gadget is written . Click on it

After clicking on it this window will open and you will find these gadgets and one of these is Label . You have to click on the plus sign in blue besides it.
3> You will be redirected to gadgets properties . You can modify its name , and type.
You can customize the gadget to your simplicity as use . Show labels with posts frequency or show selected labels .

But most importantly select the cloud checkbox in Display field . This means you can have Labels in the form of cloud . This is not exactly like Wordpress Cloud widget but is somewere similar to it .

4> Save it and you are done . You can have a look at a similar gadget on my blog ( here itself check the section above footer )