Google Tightens Grip For Would Be Adsense Publishers: Introduces New Application Procedure

ClickFraudTo this day, Google Adsense remains one of the most profitable and easiest way to monetize a website. Web publishers don’t have to hunt for Advertisers, manage the ad inventory and handle the technical aspects involved in serving advertisements to their visitors. If you have a legitimate site and your site offers value to users, Google Adsense is certainly one of the most feasible way to generate
organic revenue.
The biggest advantage of Google Adsense over other advertising programs is that their ad inventory never goes out of stock. So it doesn’t matter where your visitors are coming from. And since these ads are contextually targeted and match closely with the content of your webpage, the conversion ratios are much higher than other CPC or CPM ads, available through other advertising networks.


Click Fraud And Make Money From Adsense Scene in India, Pakistan And China

Sadly, some people are always abusing a system and trying to get rich online as fast as possible.
Worst thing is that some people have created a business out of this and are luring innocent people into make money online scams, in the name of Google Adsense – which still remains one of the most trusted  advertising programs on the web.
Check this newspaper clipping and you will understand the saga:
There are basically two ways people from third world countries like India, Pakistan and China are abusing this system.
Case A: You have no idea how to make money online and you see one of these advertisements which come on the “Classifieds” section of any Indian newspaper. You call them up and they tell you to contact one of their office executives. When you reach their office, they tell you that you have to register an account with them and pay a one time membership fee. In return, they will create a free website for you and register your account into Google Adsense. Next, they will supply you a huge list of other Adsense members (with email address and contact details), so that you can start working with them and generate cash.
The so called work is nothing but clicking ads on the sites of other members while they click ads on yours. This is nothing but CLICK FRAUD!
Real life example: I have seen these click fraud scams in front of my eyes. People spend 1-2 hours daily on Yahoo messenger (because someone told them that Gmail chat can be traced) and request clicks from other members. This madness continues  until they find that their account has been banned.
They go to the executive but he shows proof that they have received money from Google and this program is genuine. With a heavy heart, victims leave but they don’t forget blaming Google because they think that Google cheated their money. Actually, they have been seasoned to think like that.
Case B:  You see one of these newspaper clippings and call them up. They tell you to join a free seminar and 3 hour workshop on “Online revenue generation”. You go to the workshop where you are told to register for a one time membership fee. In return, the company will create a free website for you and show you how to generate income within a period of 2-3 months.
Once your site is up and running, you are given a training on how to spam forums and social networking sites in order to generate free traffic to your website. In the eyes of a newbie, these methods are not at all spam because he can’t differentiate between the correct and wrong methods.
The result is that customers sometimes manage to get one or two payments but sooner or later, they are also kicked out from Google Adsense. Why? Because their site is not at all high quality and the content is written by stupid content farms who have specialist writers for every other topic on earth. They can jot down 30 to 40 500 word articles a day, so you can imagine what  a horrible mess is happening out here.
And it’s not that Google is unaware of these things and as a legitimate Adsense publisher, we are lucky that they haven’t imposed a country specific restriction yet.

Upcoming Changes To Adsense Application Process

Google is getting really serious regarding the quality of sites that get accepted into the Google Adsense program. Google has announced in an official blog post that newer Adsense applications will undergo a two step review process. Here is the synopsis:
1. Starting today, newer applications will fall under the new 2 tier review process and Google will perform preliminary checks on each and every site submitted into the Google Adsense program.
2. If everything goes well and the submitted site adheres to Adsense program policies, Google will notify the applicant via email, grant them account access and provide them a sample ad code. This ad code should be implemented on the submitted site, as the review process will be considered incomplete if the ad code is not found on the target website.
3. Live ads won’t immediately appear once the ad code has been placed on the submitted site. Since the application hasn’t been fully approved yet, temporary “blank ads” will be shown instead.
4. These blank ads will blend in with the background of the page, so users won’t see them and the user experience won’t be impacted. As a result, there’s nothing to click on and thus revenue can’t yet be generated.
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5. A final and thorough check will be made on the target site and a final approval decision will be made. This can involve human eyes inspecting your website and judging the quality level or authority so here is a take away point – Do not hurry with your submission. Take a deep breath, build a useful resource first and then apply for Google Adsense.
6. Once the final approval is over, blank ads will be automatically replaced with working ads. There is no need to change any code but publishers are welcomed to create new ad units and experiment with other customizations from their Adsense account.
Note to existing Adsense publishers:  Your Adsense account won’t be impacted in any way as these rules are only applicable for new submissions.

Want Your Adsense Application Approved?

If you want your Adsense application approved, here are a few things you should know:
1. Go to Adsense Program policies page and print out the entire Adsense program policy on paper. Read it from top to bottom, and don’t stop until you understand it fully. Wake up the next day and read it again, read it often and if possible – learn it by heart. I mean it.
2. If you have doubts, don’t be shy and post your question in Google Adsense help forum. It is very very important to completely understand each and every program policy first and then go ahead with your application.
3. Get a website under a top level domain. Gone are the days when you could open a free blogspot blog, write 10 blog posts as fast as possible and get accepted into Google Adsense.
5. Thoroughly check your site for broken links and “Under construction” pages.
6. Do not write on Porn, gambling, alcoholic or other socially abusive content. You have the full checklist on the program policy page
7. Let your website be at least 8-10 months old before applying for the Adsense program. I am sure there are exceptions but any sooner and there is a high chance you might lose it.
8. There are no shortcuts, schemes or get rich quick thingy on the Internet. Existing Adsense publishers have toiled really hard and made a valuable resource first, so you should also follow the same path.
9. While applying, make sure your street address is in the correct format.
10. Triple check your Payee name because there is no undo after this!
11. Do not involve with third party sites who promise to create an Adsense account for you. You will always play it safe with a clean application.
12. Do not participate in any traffic exchange schemes, stupid partnerships or any fake way of generating traffic. Your site should get traffic on its own, without having to force people to come to your site.
13. Read the program policies again and again and again and again and again. After 3 years of getting accepted into the Adsense program, I still read it every other Sunday.