After the release of Buzz, the users are not impressed
with its integration at all. There was a privacy flaw, which shows all the contacts of an user to others, even if you talk with him once in a lifetime. Another thing is that the users can’t understand the motto of it. Some wanted to run this app separately from Gmail. Their point is that they don’t want this social network with Gmail because they use the e-mail with ultimate privacy settings, not to disclose those contacts to others.
On the other side, though people have complains, the use of Buzz is increasing rapidly. In a report, it showed 9 million people already posted and commented using Buzz, whereas tens of million of people are checking out it within the two days of its launching. That means Buzz is getting over 160,000 comments and posts per hour. Mobile usage is also gaining in popularity — over 200 posts per minute by mobile phone according to the search giant.
It’s good to see Google reacting so quickly to some of the feedback they’re getting. That said, there remains a lot of work to be done with Buzz.
According to Mashable, Google said:
“No, we’re not planning to remove Buzz from Gmail. Among some of the features we’re considering is building a standalone Buzz experience in addition to the one in Gmail, but I can’t confirm anything right now.”As the complaints crescendo, Google has shown that they’re not afraid to take quick action with alterations to the product.
Last night Google made it easier to hide your followers/following list and block users, though Search Engine Land’s report indicated they may go much further:
“Google says it may end the marriage between Buzz and Gmail … [Google executive] Horowitz said Google is considering separating Buzz from Gmail, so that people can participate independently from email. The company might also allow people on Buzz to claim new names and redirect anyone seeking them at their old profiles to the new locations. Horowitz says Google also continues to look at ensuring search is a good way for people to locate the “right” people, as well.”If you’re looking to better understand why there’s so much upheaval about Buzz working inside of Gmail, consider reading Harriet Jacob’s colorfully worded account of her experience with Google Buzz. Here’s a snippet from that post:
“I use my private Gmail account to email my boyfriend and my mother.
There’s a BIG drop-off between them and my other “most frequent” contacts.
You know who my third most frequent contact is?
My abusive ex-husband.
Which is why it’s SO EXCITING, Google, that you AUTOMATICALLY allowed all my most frequent contacts access to my Reader, including all the comments I’ve made on Reader items, usually shared with my boyfriend, who I had NO REASON to hide my current location or workplace from, and never did.