backlinks for a very low price. It is among the most popular methods
among webmasters to get their link a lot of backlinks. It is important
that you more specifically focus on sponsoring WordPress themes.
I am sure that most bloggers today started off with a free WordPress
theme. Even when you were a newbie blogger you must have used a free
Wordpress theme on your blog. Similarly, most people cannot afford a
new WordPress theme and the first thing they browse are for the free
themes that are developed for Wordpess.
If you sponsor a theme they you can encrypt your blog link in the
footer of the theme. And whenever a blogger uses the particular
Wordpress theme then you automatically get the backlink.
Many blogger have built over 10,000 links over a short period of
theme. Many bloggers have clearly experienced a jump in their page
rank and traffic with the increase in backlinks to their site. So it
is important that you always try new ways to improve the number of
backlinks. And sponsoring WordPress themes are a great way to boost
your number of backlinks.
Where to Sponsor a theme?
You can sponsor a theme at DigitalPoint forum – this is the best placeon the whole of internet. There are always 10-15 themes that you can
choose from to sponsor. Each theme allows 3-4 sponsors – although it
depends. All the theme developers are experts and professionals in the
But there are a few things that you should keep in mind while
sponsoring a theme-
What niches will the theme cater to?
It is important that you know what kind of niche blogs will use thetheme. It is very important that the theme is related to your website
niche. This way you can get the most of the SEO from backlinks.
Scope of use
Would you yourself use the theme if you had to? It is important that you sponsor a theme that most blogger would love to use.Hope you use the technique to improve your backlinks.