If you have some experience in blogging, getting jobs writing for others’ websites can increase your income, as well as your visibility. It’s very hard for new bloggers to get known, so writing for larger blogs, for pay, can lead to more traffic on your own site.
You can quickly develop a second income, and can build a professional full-time career.Who Hires Bloggers?
If you check on outsourcing sites, you’ll find many opportunities there. The projects on those sites may be placed by large companies, or by individuals. Often companies want to launch a blog in conjunction with the launch of a new product, or want to give a marketing boost to an older product.Individuals want to create blogs to promote causes, companies, and products. Many blogs are also started as moneymaking activities.
You can be hired to create a specific number of posts per week, or month. Some projects will ask you for an hourly rate, and will offer a set number of hours per week.
Unfortunately, you’ll find that the rates on the outsourcing sites are low. There are other ways to get jobs, so read on.
How to Find Good Blog Jobs
If you want to build a professional full-time blogging career, experience counts. Therefore it’s best to start by creating your own blog first. If you’re known as someone who has a good site, then you can quickly develop a network and chances are that you will be offered jobs blogging for others without hunting for them.Network with other bloggers, and let them know that you’re looking for opportunities.
Of course, building a popular blog takes time. If you want to shortcut this process, you can, by guest blogging.
Finding Blog Jobs Through Guest Blogging
Most blogs hire guest bloggers occasionally. They might need someone to fill in while a regular member of staff is going on holidays, or they may just want to offer different points of view to their readers.When you’re aware of this, you can approach your favorite blogs, and tell them that you’re available to create guest posts when needed. When you do this, be sure to offer topic ideas.
It’s very possible to turn blogging into a full-time professional career. There are so many blogs created every day, that many people are already doing this. You can join them.
Blog for Big Companies, and Make a Six-Figure Income
If you’re looking for writing gigs, you’ll have seen that many businesses advertise for bloggers. Unfortunately, the businesses which advertise are all doing so because they’re looking for cheap content.
You can do much better.
You can find clients who don’t advertise, but who pay well for blogging. Did you know that experienced professional bloggers charge their clients a minimum of $1000 per month, per blog? Consider that if a blogger’s working for 20 clients, that’s $20,000 a month.
You can blog for businesses too, if you’re prepared. Discover how, with Blogging Ace: Make Six Figures in Nine Months by Doing What You Love.