- It’s free and much easier to setup.
- It’s a great tool for writing. You can easily create, publish, and manage posts. You can also sort post in categories
- You can change the look of your blog with over 100 attractive themes
- Free of Spam. WordPress.com uses Akismet, the world’s best comment and trackback spam technology.
- Support over 50 languages
- You can add “widgets” to your sidebar and rearrange them without learning HTML code at all
At this post, i will guide you with Quick Tutorial on How to Create a Website on WordPress.com
- To start your new blog at wordpress.com, please visit www.wordpress.com
- Click on Sign up now button
- Fill out the form. Enter your username, password, retype your password, and your email address. Don’t forget to select the Legal Flotsam (you must agree with the terms of service). Then click Next button.
- At the next form, you can set your blog name and title. You also can choose the language and privacy type of your blog. Click Sign Up button to continue
- To activate your account, you have to check for the activation email sent to your email. Then click the link in the message. Usually the email will arrive within 30 minutes. Meanwhile you can edit your profile. Enter your first name and last name. Also give some description about yourself. When you done, click Save Profile to continue.
- Now, you can log in to your blog and start blogging activity for the first time.