You can use these prompts to reinvigorate your tweeting if you’re stuck for something to say. We don’t recommend stretching too far if you’ve really got nothing on your mind, but just use this as a “cheat sheet” of sorts to add a creative twist to your tweets and get yourself out of a rut.
- Finish the sentence:
- Twitter is best used for…
- I can’t believe [trending topic] is trending because…
- My favorite celebrity tweeter is…
- If I could change one thing about Twitter it would be…
- I can’t stand it when people tweet about…
- I love using Twitter on my smartphone because… Questions to ask your followers
- How do you find useful things to tweet?
- Have you ever participated in #FollowFriday?
- When did you join Twitter? Why?
- How often do you change your bio pic?
- Which do you use Twitter to do more of, listen or share?
- What was the best tweet you’ve ever read?
- Who is your favorite person to follow on Twitter?
- Do you tweet from your computer or smartphone more often?
- What dashboard do you use to access Twitter? Tips and advice
- Tell your followers one of your best productivity tips
- Tweet about one Twitter account you find extremely useful
- Share a piece of advice for people in your niche
- Explain one type of Twitter etiquette you think others might not know about
- Recommend a trend that you find interesting
- Share any cool Twitter tools you’ve found Misc.
- Hold a 15 minute competition to see who can tweet the funniest joke
- Ask for help with a project you’re working on
- Conduct a poll
- Share a positive thought or quote