Blogger is a great free blog puslishing tool that developed by Google and very easilly to use for both beginners and professional bloggers. Starting a blog on Blogger is so simple, you just need to setup a domain then posting. But if you want have a nice blog, not only must to write great articles but also finding a beautiful and fresh template for your blog.
Today, In this post we are featuring top 100 best and beautiful free blogger templates of 2011 to help you can find and download an awesome template for your blog to make it becomes a professional blog. Enjoy!

Description:ColorNotes is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, rounded corners, space for ads, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.

MusicStore is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, left sidebar, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.
ElegantGrey is a free blogger template with 2 columns, rounded corners, grunge style, exclusive design for Blogger and neutral colors.

Description:NewsChannel is a free blogger template with 2 columns, right sidebar, exclusive design for Blogger, footer columns and simple look.

Description:OneTechStop is a free blogger template with 3 columns, right sidebar, exclusive design for Blogger and simple look.

Description:Deems is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails, tabs and drop down menu.

Description:Blastica is a free blogger template with 2 columns, right sidebar, rounded corners, exclusive design for Blogger and simple look.

Description:BlackBerryPhone is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.

Description:BusinessLead is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, rounded corners, footer columns, posts thumbnails and tabs.

Description:TechGadget is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.

Description:Femiplate is a free blogger template with 3 columns, right sidebar and exclusive design for Blogger.

Description:Androzoid is a free blogger template with 2 columns, right sidebar, web 2.0 design, fresh look, rounded corners and exclusive design for Blogger.

Description:Flower Girl is a free blogger template with 3 columns, sidebar on the right and left, exclusive design for Blogger, floral motifs and gradients.
Game Maniac is a free premium blogger template with 3 columns, sidebar on the right and left, rounded corners, exclusive design for Blogger and posts thumbnails.
Primes is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.
Description:Drustan is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, space for ads and footer columns.

Description:VideoZone is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails, tabs and drop down menu.

Description:Lodge is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, rounded corners, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.

Description:NewsReport is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, sidebar on the right and left, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails, tabs and drop down menu.

Description:Styled is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails, tabs and drop down menu.

Description:Snatch is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails, tabs and drop down menu.

Description:LoveTime is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, twitter support, posts thumbnails, tabs and drop down menu.

Description:Grunge Stripes is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, left sidebar, grunge style, vectorial elements and vintage style.

Description:Financial Account is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns and right sidebar.

Description:Wonderblog is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar and vectorial elements.

Description:Cantare is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails, tabs and drop down menu.

Description:MusicStyle is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.

Description:WaterColor is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, left sidebar and rounded corners.

Description:Noot is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns and right sidebar.

Description:Jungle Bird is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, left sidebar and rounded corners.

Description:Classroom is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns and right sidebar.

Description:eGossip is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.

Description:Happy Shopping is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, rounded corners and vectorial elements.

Description:Vespa Love is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, rounded corners and vectorial elements.

Description:Pink Land is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, rounded corners and vectorial elements.

Description:Scarlet is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns and right sidebar.

Description:Pharse is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, left sidebar, fresh look, rounded corners, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.

Description:Globe Design is a free blogger template with 2 columns, right sidebar, exclusive design for Blogger, space for ads and drop down menu.

Description:Grammophone is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, rounded corners, vectorial elements and vintage style.

Description:Smacks is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, fluid width, right sidebar, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.

Description:ShowTime is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, rounded corners, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.

Description:Delle is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.

Description:Lonely Parrot is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar and rounded corners.

Description:To Die For is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar and vintage style.

Description:Rulerplate is a free premium blogger template with 3 columns, right sidebar, exclusive design for Blogger and geometric motifs.

Description:Shaped is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.

Description:NewsMore is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.

Description:GamePassion is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.

Description:Serge is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, right sidebar, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.

Description:Kimiko is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, floral motifs and vintage style.

Description:Commerce is a free blogger template with 3 columns, sidebar on the right and left, exclusive design for Blogger and footer columns.

Description:Your Lucky Day is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns and left sidebar.

Description:Diet Recipes is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, rounded corners and space for ads.

Description:Explora is a free blogger template with 2 columns, left sidebar, exclusive design for Blogger, slideshow, floral motifs and gradients.

Description:Mimoza is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, rounded corners, slideshow, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.

Description:Sanxionista is a free blogger template with 2 columns, right sidebar, web 2.0 design, fresh look, rounded corners, exclusive design for Blogger and twitter support.

Description:PressWeek is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, sidebar on the right and left, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, tabs and drop down menu.

Description:Bounce is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, sidebar on the right and left, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, tabs and drop down menu.

Description:Work with Park is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns and right sidebar.

Description:Techno City is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, left sidebar and rounded corners.

Description:Old Pages is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, left sidebar, grunge style, floral motifs and vintage style.

Description:Perplex is a free blogger template with 2 columns and right sidebar.

Description:Rabbit Year is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns and left sidebar.

Description:Upper is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, rounded corners, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails, tabs and drop down menu.

Description:Range is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, sidebar on the right and left, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails, tabs and drop down menu.

Description:Nodes is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, sidebar on the right and left, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails, tabs and drop down menu.

Description:Classic Style is a free blogger template with 2 columns, right sidebar, exclusive design for Blogger and vintage style.

Description:MusicNation is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, sidebar on the right and left, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails, tabs and drop down menu.

Description:MusicLife is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, sidebar on the right and left, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails, tabs and drop down menu.

Description:PhoneGadget is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.

Description:Innova is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails, tabs and drop down menu.

Description:Nautica is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, exclusive design for Blogger and simple look.

Description:Si Si is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar and vintage style.

Description:Ways to Save Money is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns and left sidebar.

Description:Feel it is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar and geometric motifs.

Description:Fishing Time is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, left sidebar and vectorial elements.

Description:Halloween Midnight is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar and rounded corners.

Description:Presentation is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns and right sidebar.

Description:April Story is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, right sidebar and rounded corners.

Description:Flower Mum is a free blogger template with 2 columns, right sidebar and floral motifs.
Description:Freelancer is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, left sidebar and rounded corners

Description:Technolic is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.

Description:Spans is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, rounded corners, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails, tabs and drop down menu.

Description:Shines is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, right sidebar, footer columns, slideshow, twitter support, neutral colors, tabs and drop down menu.

Description:Sprites is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, posts thumbnails, tabs and drop down menu.

Description:Spate is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, rounded corners, space for ads, footer columns, posts thumbnails, tabs and drop down menu.

Description:Bye Summer is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns and right sidebar.

Description:Pink White Valentine is a free blogger template with 3 columns and left sidebar.

Description:Garpu is a free blogger template with 3 columns, right sidebar, exclusive design for Blogger and drop down menu.

Description:Celebrities Color is a free blogger template with 2 columns and right sidebar.

Description:Crisp Presentation is a free blogger template with 2 columns and right sidebar.

Description:BusinessPremium is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, footer columns, posts thumbnails, tabs and drop down menu.

Description:BusinessFirm is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, footer columns, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.

Description:Lanced is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails, tabs and drop down menu.

Description:GameDude is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, sidebar on the right and left, slideshow, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.

Description:Solistica is a free blogger template with 2 columns, right sidebar and exclusive design for Blogger.

Description:Ermiro is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, rounded corners and simple look.

Description:OnTheWay is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, right sidebar, rounded corners and simple look.

Description:GameHub is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, sidebar on the right and left, magazine-styled, rounded corners, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.

Description:Chalk Board is a free blogger template with 3 columns, right sidebar, gallery-styled, rounded corners, grunge style and posts thumbnails.
Description:ColorNotes is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, rounded corners, space for ads, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.
MusicStore is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, left sidebar, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.
Description:NewsChannel is a free blogger template with 2 columns, right sidebar, exclusive design for Blogger, footer columns and simple look.
Description:OneTechStop is a free blogger template with 3 columns, right sidebar, exclusive design for Blogger and simple look.
Description:Deems is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails, tabs and drop down menu.
Description:Blastica is a free blogger template with 2 columns, right sidebar, rounded corners, exclusive design for Blogger and simple look.
Description:BlackBerryPhone is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.
Description:BusinessLead is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, rounded corners, footer columns, posts thumbnails and tabs.
Description:TechGadget is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.
Description:Femiplate is a free blogger template with 3 columns, right sidebar and exclusive design for Blogger.
Description:Androzoid is a free blogger template with 2 columns, right sidebar, web 2.0 design, fresh look, rounded corners and exclusive design for Blogger.
Flower Girl
Description:Flower Girl is a free blogger template with 3 columns, sidebar on the right and left, exclusive design for Blogger, floral motifs and gradients.
Game Maniac
Primes is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.
Description:Drustan is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, space for ads and footer columns.
Description:VideoZone is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails, tabs and drop down menu.
Description:Lodge is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, rounded corners, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.
Description:NewsReport is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, sidebar on the right and left, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails, tabs and drop down menu.
Description:Styled is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails, tabs and drop down menu.
Description:Snatch is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails, tabs and drop down menu.
Description:LoveTime is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, twitter support, posts thumbnails, tabs and drop down menu.
Grunge Stripes
Description:Grunge Stripes is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, left sidebar, grunge style, vectorial elements and vintage style.
Financial Account
Description:Financial Account is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns and right sidebar.
Description:Wonderblog is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar and vectorial elements.
Description:Cantare is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails, tabs and drop down menu.
Description:MusicStyle is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.
Description:WaterColor is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, left sidebar and rounded corners.
Description:Noot is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns and right sidebar.
Jungle Bird
Description:Jungle Bird is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, left sidebar and rounded corners.
Description:Classroom is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns and right sidebar.
Description:eGossip is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.
Happy Shopping
Description:Happy Shopping is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, rounded corners and vectorial elements.
Vespa Love
Description:Vespa Love is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, rounded corners and vectorial elements.
Pink Land
Description:Pink Land is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, rounded corners and vectorial elements.
Description:Scarlet is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns and right sidebar.
Description:Pharse is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, left sidebar, fresh look, rounded corners, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.
Globe Design
Description:Globe Design is a free blogger template with 2 columns, right sidebar, exclusive design for Blogger, space for ads and drop down menu.
Description:Grammophone is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, rounded corners, vectorial elements and vintage style.
Description:Smacks is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, fluid width, right sidebar, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.
Description:ShowTime is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, rounded corners, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.
Description:Delle is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.
Lonely Parrot
Description:Lonely Parrot is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar and rounded corners.
To Die For
Description:To Die For is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar and vintage style.
Description:Rulerplate is a free premium blogger template with 3 columns, right sidebar, exclusive design for Blogger and geometric motifs.
Description:Shaped is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.
Description:NewsMore is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.
Description:GamePassion is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.
Description:Serge is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, right sidebar, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.
Description:Kimiko is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, floral motifs and vintage style.
Description:Commerce is a free blogger template with 3 columns, sidebar on the right and left, exclusive design for Blogger and footer columns.
Your Lucky Day
Description:Your Lucky Day is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns and left sidebar.
Diet Recipes
Description:Diet Recipes is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, rounded corners and space for ads.
Description:Explora is a free blogger template with 2 columns, left sidebar, exclusive design for Blogger, slideshow, floral motifs and gradients.
Description:Mimoza is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, rounded corners, slideshow, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.
Description:Sanxionista is a free blogger template with 2 columns, right sidebar, web 2.0 design, fresh look, rounded corners, exclusive design for Blogger and twitter support.
Description:PressWeek is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, sidebar on the right and left, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, tabs and drop down menu.
Description:Bounce is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, sidebar on the right and left, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, tabs and drop down menu.
Work with Park
Description:Work with Park is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns and right sidebar.
Techno City
Description:Techno City is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, left sidebar and rounded corners.
Old Pages
Description:Old Pages is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, left sidebar, grunge style, floral motifs and vintage style.
Description:Perplex is a free blogger template with 2 columns and right sidebar.
Rabbit Year
Description:Rabbit Year is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns and left sidebar.
Description:Upper is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, rounded corners, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails, tabs and drop down menu.
Description:Range is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, sidebar on the right and left, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails, tabs and drop down menu.
Description:Nodes is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, sidebar on the right and left, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails, tabs and drop down menu.
Classic Style
Description:Classic Style is a free blogger template with 2 columns, right sidebar, exclusive design for Blogger and vintage style.
Description:MusicNation is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, sidebar on the right and left, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails, tabs and drop down menu.
Description:MusicLife is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, sidebar on the right and left, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails, tabs and drop down menu.
Description:PhoneGadget is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.
Description:Innova is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails, tabs and drop down menu.
Description:Nautica is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, exclusive design for Blogger and simple look.
Si Si
Description:Si Si is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar and vintage style.
Ways to Save Money
Description:Ways to Save Money is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns and left sidebar.
Feel it
Description:Feel it is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar and geometric motifs.
Fishing Time
Description:Fishing Time is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, left sidebar and vectorial elements.
Halloween Midnight
Description:Halloween Midnight is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar and rounded corners.
Description:Presentation is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns and right sidebar.
April Story
Description:April Story is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, right sidebar and rounded corners.
Flower Mum
Description:Flower Mum is a free blogger template with 2 columns, right sidebar and floral motifs.
Description:Technolic is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.
Description:Spans is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, rounded corners, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails, tabs and drop down menu.
Description:Shines is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, right sidebar, footer columns, slideshow, twitter support, neutral colors, tabs and drop down menu.
Description:Sprites is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, posts thumbnails, tabs and drop down menu.
Description:Spate is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, rounded corners, space for ads, footer columns, posts thumbnails, tabs and drop down menu.
Bye Summer
Description:Bye Summer is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns and right sidebar.
Pink White Valentine
Description:Pink White Valentine is a free blogger template with 3 columns and left sidebar.
Description:Garpu is a free blogger template with 3 columns, right sidebar, exclusive design for Blogger and drop down menu.
Celebrities Color
Description:Celebrities Color is a free blogger template with 2 columns and right sidebar.
Crisp Presentation
Description:Crisp Presentation is a free blogger template with 2 columns and right sidebar.
Description:BusinessPremium is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, footer columns, posts thumbnails, tabs and drop down menu.
Description:BusinessFirm is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, footer columns, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.
Description:Lanced is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails, tabs and drop down menu.
Description:GameDude is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, sidebar on the right and left, slideshow, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.
Description:Solistica is a free blogger template with 2 columns, right sidebar and exclusive design for Blogger.
Description:Ermiro is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 2 columns, right sidebar, rounded corners and simple look.
Description:OnTheWay is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, right sidebar, rounded corners and simple look.
Description:GameHub is a free blogger template adapted from WordPress with 3 columns, sidebar on the right and left, magazine-styled, rounded corners, space for ads, footer columns, slideshow, posts thumbnails and drop down menu.
Chalk Board
Description:Chalk Board is a free blogger template with 3 columns, right sidebar, gallery-styled, rounded corners, grunge style and posts thumbnails.