Making money with social media marketing for small business

social media and small business
There’s a difference between people who make money with social media and people who don’t. The people who don’t make
money with social media and small business typically never get their campaigns off the ground. In most cases, they upload a YouTube video or update their LinkedIn profile and then claim that they have a social media campaign.
The people  or small business who do make money with social media are different. They set objectives, create a plan, and execute the plan

You’re now in a spot to make money with social media. We’ve given you all the best tools for a successful social media
campaign and helped you understand how to implement them. The only thing we can’t give you is a kick in the butt to get
started. Which is why we’d like you to kick yourself in the butt. Unfortunately, kicking yourself in the butt can be a bit of
a challenge. Given that, we thought we’d provide you with an alternative. Keep in mind three tips as you launch your
program, to keep you moving ahead quickly and efficiently. you must know how to use social media for business

How you can make money with  social media

  1. It’s better to get ten things done than it is to do one thing perfectly. Don’t get stuck trying to make everything perfect. It’ll never be perfect. Besides, if you don’t like your blog post, your tweet, or your LinkedIn profile, you can just go back in tomorrow and change it.
  2.  Begin each day with five or ten social media tasks that’ willl help you feel like you’re off to a good start. This is easier than you might think: Send out three tweets, answer one question on LinkedIn, and make one helpful comment on a good blog post you’ve read. See? Your day is already off to a terrific start.
  3. Visit the 60 Second Marketer for more inspiration. We’re constantly updating the 60 Second Marketer Web site with content from marketing experts around the globe. Stop by and check out some of the tools, tips, and techniques we have on the site. We guarantee that you’ll walk away with a bunch of great marketing ideas each time you visit.also twitter is another popular market. where many people make money on twitter
That’s all, folks.Please share your suggestion about other ideas on make money with social media as well as tips on money making  ideas for  twitter .I think social media is a best place to advertise small business efficiently