Find Out Who Owns The Blogger/BlogSpot Blog !

© William & Mary
Today while replying to a mail, I realized that finding out the ownership of a (blogspot) blog hosted onBlogger is really difficult. But fortunately there's an easy way to find out the ownership details, at least in some cases...

Just like Gmail, Blogger is completely free to join and once you are registered at Blogger, you can create & register as many free blogs as you want (although there's a limit of 100 blogs per account, but of course you can use another email-id of yours to register another 100 blogs). Thanks to this freedom of creating free and unlimited blogs, now there are several thousands of blogs owned by anonymous Bloggers filled with illegal/copied content or just empty and useless blogs.
One may contact these bloggers, only through their Blogger-profile pages (provided, they have created a profile-page and it does have some appropriate information).
Mostly these anonymous bloggers try their best to remove all their personal information from their blogs, and leave no links to their profiles. Now this tutorial will guide you to easily get the link to the authors profile page of any blog based on Blogger/BlogSpot.
Please note, that this is NOT a fool-proof method, as most of the anonymous bloggers do not even have a profile-page. And even if they do have a profile page, either there won't be any other blog in their blog-list or other blogs will be similar to the one you are tracking (without any links to contact the author).

But just in case, the blogger has left some information in his/her profile page, that can be used to contact him/her, then this method will help you to quickly reach his/her profile page without contacting any employee of Blogger/Google.

So if you are ready with your James Bond hat, then simply open a Blogger blog and find out who's behind it!

Open the homepage of the blog (
NOTE: You'll get the link to the profile only from the homepage and not from any other page of that blog.
Now view the "Page Source" or "Source Code" of that blog. To view the "Page Source", either hit "CTRL+U" in Firefox and Opera or Under "View" in the main menu select "Source" in Internet Explorer.

Then a pop-up or new window will open displaying the source code of the blogs homepage.
Now, find a line similar to this in the code:
<link rel="me" href="*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#" />
And open the link highlighted in red color in a new window/tab. That's the profile of thatblogger.

But unfortunately this method may not work for all blogs (for some unknown reasons)