3 Ways Bloggers Can Make More Money Online

Consistency and passion.
That’s the main thing I took away from John Chow at the last Affiliate Summit event.
For those that don’t know John, he makes money online by blogging.
He makes a lot of money!
In fact, his personal blog makes over $40,000 a month.
Not bad for a part time gig, eh?
Although you may or may not like the things John writes about, he has a system that continues to work and that’s what I want to share with you in this article.
Check out this video where John gives three tips that all bloggers should use if they want to make more money with their blog. 

The Business of Blogging

Well, what did you think?
Are you already blogging about your passion and thinking of your blog as a business?
Do you post daily or on a consistent basis?
And are you doing all that you can to capture email addresses and information?
If you said yes, then you are probably already monetizing your blog, or close to it.
It doesn’t matter what type of content your want to write about, or what niche your blog covers… if you write with passion, treat it like a business, write consistently, and capture emails, then eventually you can turn it into a business (with the right game plan).
John said it took him eight months before the site generated any revenue.  This isn’t something you can expect to turn a profit in a few weeks, and it will take time for things to develop (as it did for John).

Next Steps

If you currently have a blog that isn’t making money (or the kind of money you’d like) then ask yourself the same questions above.  If you aren’t up to par on the three main things John talks about then make sure to start thinking about your blog for the long term, and create a plan that works best for you.
Did you enjoy the video information from John?  And are you already doing exactly what he says in order to make your blog profitable?  If not, what are you waiting for?  Please type in your biggest challenge you face with making your blog profitable in the comments section below and share this post so others can learn how to build a profitable blog as well.